3. pocket dial//marcus

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Marcus' POV
Five hours. Five long hours I've been in the studio with my brother and our team trying to come up with ideas for our next album. Every second passing felt like hours and we were getting no-where.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore my career as a singer and all the producing and hard work that comes with it, but today I just feel... empty I guess?

Okay I guess I should explain why I feel so lost... It all started three weeks ago. It was a beautiful sunny Tuesday morning in Trofors. I peeled open my tired eyes ever so slowly and... Okay sorry I'll get to the point.

At around 11am on that beautiful Tuesday morning I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. My tired expression immediately changed into an extremely excited one when I looked at the cute picture of the person who was lighting up my phone screen. You could've sworn I just won the lottery, I felt like I had.

However... my euphoria was about to come to a sudden end shortly after I answered the phone. "Hey beautif.." I was interrupted by my girlfri.. ex girlfriend y/n's cries. As I heard my angel's sobs I was also filled with sadness because I wanted to reach through the phone and comfort her but I knew I couldn't. "What's wrong my love?" I worriedly asked. Silence. I waited for her to respond never lifting my phone from my ear. About twenty seconds passed and I finally began to hear y/n's mouth opening and her beginning to talk. "What do you mean what's wrong Marcus?! Haven't you been on Instagram today?" I was confused but decided to put her on speaker and open Instagram. I wish I hadn't...

My eyes scanned over the hundreds.. thousands of posts from mmers all of the same picture. I froze in my seat. The photo that was gaining so much attention was a selfie a fan took with me. Seems harmless, right? Wrong! This particular photo showed both of our lips joined. Anyone who looked at the picture would think we were a couple but the message the picture is sending is all wrong.

I remember this situation clearly. My brother and I were walking to the studio in Oslo to record when we were stopped by two girls. They told us that they were sisters and they were our biggest fans. We both smiled and hugged them. Suddenly the older sister pulled out her phone and asked for a selfie with me. Of course I couldn't deny. Our mmers have done so much for us so we like to give back to them in any way that we can. Just as I smiled for the picture the girl put her hand on my face and turned my head so it looked like I was kissing her. I pulled away as fast as I could but it was too late.. she had already snapped the photo and ran off with her sister.

"Well? Care to explain this?" Y/n yelled through the phone. I was still frozen in shock. Another twenty seconds had passed and I still couldn't find the right words to say. As soon as I was about to say something y/n hung up. I tried calling her back millions of times but I had no success. The only type of response I got from her was a text saying "we're over." Those two words cut into my heart like a knife as I threw my phone across the room and cried into my pillow for hours. Just as I looked out of my window after an hour of crying it started raining heavily.

So here I am in the studio. It's actually Tuesday today. Exactly three weeks after my world came crashing down. I didn't tell Martinus what had happened because I didn't want him to be worried. He probably thinks I'm just being grumpy and tired.

I can't do this anymore.. During our break when it was just me and Martinus in the room I broke down in tears and buried my face into the soft pillow on the couch. I immediately felt two arms wrap around my body and my brother hugging me close. "It's okay Marcus. Whatever it is it's okay. I'm always here for you." After about ten seconds I felt him pulling away and looking into my red eyes. "You don't have to tell me what's wrong but it might make you feel better if you do." Martinus explained. "Should I tell him?" I thought. "Yes, of course I should, he has been with me through everything in all our seventeen years."

I began to pour out my emotions to Martinus and told him everything that had happened during the three weeks. "Martinus I love y/n so much and I never meant for any of this to happen. She is my entire world and she just hates me now." I sobbed into Martinus' shoulder as he pulled me in for another hug.

"Marcus, I don't hate you." I heard a familiar voice coming from my back pocket. Am I dreaming? When do I wake up? "Answer her bro." Martinus smiled. Without a second thought I pulled my phone from my back pocket and hugged it close to my chest. "Marcus I heard everything you told Martinus. I'm so sorry for not listening to the truth and for thinking you would do that to me. I'd love it if we could be a couple again." Only one word came out of my mouth "yes!" I heard Martinus cheering and dancing around the room as y/n and I laughed.

"Does this mean you still love me?" I asked.

"Who said I ever stopped?"


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