4. i don't wanna fall in love//martinus

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Martinus' P.O.V.
Her face. Her beautiful face is all I can think about. From her gorgeous eyes to her soft lips, I could stare at them all day. Wait.. she's looking at me.. no, I have to be imagining it. Okay, she definitely is and she's walking over to me right now. Those beautiful lips are slowly opening to say something as she approaches me... then I woke up.

This is the fourth night in a row I've had a dream about y/n, my crush of ten months. I mean, I'm definitely not complaining, she's gorgeous both inside and out, I just don't want to get too caught up in this crush only to be rejected if she ever finds out... I know that's what's probably going to happen and it's honestly going to hurt so much.

"Marcus! Martinus! Emma! Wake up and get ready for school!" Mom shouted from the kitchen. I rolled out of bed and got dressed in my red hoodie, black jeans and black vans before dragging my feet along the hard floor to the bathroom. "Good morning bro! Did you have a good sleep?" "Morning, yeah it was umm.. really nice." I answered Marcus, thoughts of y/n still racing through my mind.

After we got breakfast, we left the house and started walking to school. After about three minutes of walking, I noticed someone walking behind me, my eyes instantly lighting up once I turned around.. it was.. "Y/N GOOD TO SEE YOU!" Marcus shouted slightly glancing at me. Quickly giving a slight smile to y/n. "Marcus, race you to the end of the street!" Emma excitedly exclaimed. "Okay sure" Marcus giggled, completely aware of how much I wanted to kill him, okay maybe not kill him, that's too harsh, but he knows how much I like y/n and find it so hard to say more than two words to her.

"They're so crazy" y/n laughed. That beautiful laugh. "Yeah, they're my siblings, it must make me crazy too" I shyly giggled. "Ugh why did I say that?" I thought, instantly regretting my choice of words. "You're so cute" y/n replied while grabbing onto my hand. I was blushing so hard.. I think she was too. That or it's the reflection of my red hoodie on her cheeks.

"Hurry up love birds you're so far behind us!" Marcus yelled while him and Emma glanced back at us.

My dreams were literally coming true!


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