Chapter three

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I stutter. "" he smiles and says, "Dropped something? Yeah, I see that!" He laughs and adds, "Are you ok? You have a weird look on your face."
    My face is bright red, and my heart is making that stupid fluttering motion, and I still wear a puzzled look from earlier. "Oh no, I'm fine. about the cognate test is all." I want to tell him the truth, but to many people are staring and I don't want them to over hear. "Ok then. Here! Let me help you with your books!" He reaches down and helps me stack them up again.
     Once I have them in my arms again, we start walking side by side. I almost drop them again when his crisp, accented voice appears in my head. Sophie! What's really going on? I look at him and sigh. I had a bad dream. Something about it really creeps me out. I'm trying to figure it out. He gets a worried look. Are you gonna tell me? I shake my head. Can we discuss this during cognate practice? He raises his eyebrows at me. Sure. Fitz nods.
He was getting ready to say something else when Keefe runs up behind us, and swings his arms around our shoulders, forcing his way between us.
    " What are we talking about? Some cognate thing again?" He drags out the word cognate, and has a huge smirk on his face. "Anyways, what is the mysterious Miss. Foster up to today? Blowing up some Petri dish in alchemy? Perhaps staring into each other's eyes during telepathy?" Fitz snorted. " That is only during cognate training. And we don't stair into each other's eyes." Keefe's smirk somehow widened even more. "Dude, I've watched you too do it before. It's creepy." He replied.
    Fitz was the one to break the silence after that. "Hey guys, I got to get to class. I'll see you later Sophie!" He exclaimed. My cheeks grew warm again. "I got to get to class too. Try not to miss me while I'm gone!" Keefe laughed. I rolled my eyes.
   I could barely concentrate at all in my classes. I feel stupid getting so freaked out over a dream, but something about it really unsettled me.
    I had completely forgotten about my cognate test, but as I started walking towards my class, I started to get really nervous. My stomach felt like hundreds of hornets were trapped inside of it. It got hard to walk.
I heard footsteps coming up behind me. I turned and saw Fitz running up. He was breathless when he reached me. He smiled at me.
   His smile didn't reach his eyes. I could tell that he was also nervous. "You nervous?" He asked me. "Yeah." He get a serious look and says, "you shouldn't be. Your the best telepath I know and the best cognate partner ever." My face turned pink again. "What about you? Are you nervous?" I ask. He hesitates. "Yes. But I really shouldn't be. I don't know why I am." He's lucky. At least he isn't keeping a secret that could possibly ruin our friendship.
We had just gotten to the door, and were getting ready to knock when Tiergan flung it open. He grinned as he said, "You ready for your test?"
Author's note
Ok. I Made a promise now I'm sticking to it. I promised it would be out June 20th, so here it is!! Enjoy!

Keeper of the lost cities: secrets revealed Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ