Chapter five

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      Tiergan raised his eyebrows at me. "The secret?" He said. I slightly nod. "Should I go after him?" I ask. Tiergan contemplates it for a moment. "No. What ever it was you said, he needs time to cool off from it. I nod again. Good thing that Telepathy was the last class of the day. That means I can leap home after.

     I was at my locker again, putting away my books when Biana appears beside my right elbow. I yelp and drop my backpack. "Sorry!" Biana exclaimed. She just had to be a vanisher, didn't she.
She reaches down and grabs my backpack. "You dropped this." She laughs. I grab it and glare at her. "Look! I'm sorry, ok! I was just stopping to ask if you want to come over?" I hesitate. "No. I can't. I have homework I have to finish." I lie. The truth was that I didn't want to be near Fitz right now. "Please!" She whines. "You haven't been over in forever! The only time you are over your working on "cognate practice" with Fitz! Are you mad at me or something?" I sigh and turn to look at her.
"No. I'm not mad at you. It's just-" "just what? Just that you don't want to hang out with me anymore?" She interrupts. She has her hands on her hips and her lips are pursed together. "It's just that...I have to be home for dinner." She squeals and loops her arm through mine, dragging me outside so we can light leap.
    In the blink of an eye we're standing in front of the blinding gates that surround the huge mansion. We have barely just arrived, but Biana continues to drag me towards the huge house. We enter through a pair of gigantic doors and Della is there to greet us with a smile on her face.
"Hello Sophie!" She piped cheerfully. "Fitz is in his room. He came home looking a little bit off so maybe you could cheer him up?" My face turned red again. " No can do mom! Sophie is here with me!" Biana boasts. Della's smile widened. "That's great! You guys can finally spend some time together again. It's been a while, hasn't it?" I blush and nod. "Come on Soph!" Biana wines, continuing to drag me by my arm towards her room. She shoves me into her room,  shuts the door behind us, and makes me sit in front of her huge mirror.
    "So what skin tone are you?" She mumbles to herself, looking through her hundreds of bottle of elixirs littering her desk and drawers. "Umm...what?" She shakes her head and continues searching. I groan. "Your gonna give me a makeover aren't you." Biana giggles and exclaims "yup!"
She uses her forearm to clear her desk, pushing the bottles and jars into an open drawer. She places the ones she has selected on the cleared space, and continues to mumble to herself. Saying things such as, "I know it's somewhere in this drawer...found it!" And "Oh! This would match her eyes so well!"
Once she finally got all of her stuff together, she turned towards me. "Ok. Hold still." She says. She's holding this weird object in her hand, and is aiming for the area around my eyes. "Wait!" I say, covering my hands with my face to stop her. "What?" Biana protested, sounding annoyed. "Just...don't do a lot. I don't want it to be obvious." " Ok." She sighs. She places a few things back into a drawer and removes some from another.
"Drink these." She says, separating five bottles from the rest. "What do they do?" I question, not wanting to drink anything I don't know. She rolls her eyes and picks up one with a sparkling yellow liquid in it. "This one makes your hair shine a little bit and helps bring out your natural highlights. This one will make your hair longer." She points to a bottle that has little green tablets in it. "This one will make your eyelashes darker and grow longer, this one will make your lips turn a natural pinkish-red color, and this one will make your skin look naturally tan. I pick up the small bottle with a brownish-yellow liquid, the one that makes it look like I have a tan, and smell it. It smells like bananas and coconuts. I hope it tastes as it smells. I down it in one gulp. I pick up one with a pink fluffy solution, the one for my lips and also down it, but without smelling it. "Mmm! Strawberry!" I exclaim when it hits my tastebuds. I quickly finish the rest, and Biana quickly finishes my makeup and hair. When she spins my chair around, to look at my reflection, I gasped.
I barely looked like I used makeup, but yet, I still looked beautiful. "Oh Biana!" I gasp. "It's beautiful!" She flashes a cocky smile and replies, "Of course it is! I'm the artist you know!" I laugh and hug her. Just then a knock sounds at our door.
   "Sophie, Biana, I made snacks!" Della exclaims excitedly. Biana and I share a greedy look and we all smile.
     We dash downstairs and our eyes widen at the pile of snacks in front of us. "Wow! Della! You made enough treats to feed an army!" She laughs and replies, "Well, all of you eat like an army!"
     I was about to ask her to clarify what she meant when keefe walks in.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~Author's note
Omg guys thank you so much for 46 views!! I know that sounds small, but to me it means the entire world to me

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