Chapter 2

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(Hayes Is 16)

Hayes Pov

This beautiful girl walks down this alley a lot and I can't stop staring at her she's so pretty in the sunlight.

My heart is practically pumping out of my chest.

Dam her eyes are perfect.

It's this beautiful mush of blue and green 😍

Her everything.

I decided to follow her.

Not to be a stalker or anything.

Just to see her Backround a bit.

I also found her number... But I'm to afraid to text her.

She started to talking to this boy with dirty blonde hair and was laughing.

I want to make her laugh!

I want to cut off that boy who's trying to take my part!

I quietly watch him not wanting to reveal my cover.

She walks into the school giving me no access to watch her more.

I was spun around and came face to face with my drug dealer known as my gang buddy


What's up man I greet

Nothing much man but what are you doing here he asks.

Just watching something I reply

Watching? You mean stalking he laughs.

I told you I don't stalk anymore I groan.

Now your going to tell me you don't murder people he laughs again

Oh shut up and why are you here anyways I ask

Just came to check on my buddy he smirks

But how did you find me I ask

Dude it isn't that hard to find a hooded guy wearing all black trying to blend in with the leafs he says trying to hold back laughter.

How much do you laugh a day I ask

Don't know he smiles

Ugh whatever and there is a hot girl in there I droll

You trying to get a girl who's still in middle school he laughs

Don't laugh at me I seethe through my teeth.

Don't get mad bro it's just she's pretty young he says putting his hands up

I'm still under 18 so I wouldn't be a petifile I argue

(5 Hours later)

Come on dude we have been out here for hours eating and talking and going on are phones Matt groans.

Oh be quiet I never asked from you to come here I mumble under my breath but still loud enough for him to hear.

But that's when I hear it.

A bell.

The beautiful girls school is over!

I see her exiting as she leaves she hugs the dirty blonde guy.

God I hate him and wish to be him!

I know that sounds weird...

But I want to have her hugging me.

Now's my chance she's walking toward the alley.

I quickly rush over to my usual spot and wait.

I pull my phone out deciding I should text her.

Times Up

I text.

She pulls her phone out after she hears the notification she makes this funny face and starts giggling.

What's so funny about my text?

I quickly come behind her and grab her wrists and turn her around.

She screams in suprise but I cover her mouth.

Shh darling I'm just here to complement you I lie

Why would you but I quickly cut her off not wanting to here her ask anything and shove my cloth filled with sleeping gas into her mouth a nose.

She goes limp and falls but I quickly catch her.

I love you I whisper as I carry her through the alley.

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