Chapter 10

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Nash's Pov

After I finished beating the crap out of Bruce I looked over to the other boys who have knocked their rivals to.

Where's Hayes Taylor asks

Their Aaron pointed.

I looked into the direction his finger pointed to see his rival spinning him over his head.

Hayes looks dizzy Matt spoke up

Jack G quickly ran up and kicked him in the stomach.

He quickly dropped Hayes.

Luckily Jack caught the dizzy Hayes and dropped him on his feet stumbling.

WE WON! Carter screamed

What are you talking about a deep voice asks

We turn around to see the boss of the gang holding Jamie!

JAMIE Hayes screamed

Oh is this your little girlfriend he mocks

Hayes eyes turn a dark colour as He glares at him.

Don't look at me like that he smirked

Let her go she has nothing to do with this he cried

She does he smirks

Take me Hayes says putting his wrist out.

No Hayes the boys and I say

I got to do this he whispered to us

I like your bravery he smirks at my little brother.

He walk's up to him ignoring all of are calls for him not to.

As he was face to face to with the man he pulled his wrists up.

He put Jamie to the side and hand cuffed Hayes.

I've never thought I'd see Hayes in cuffs and being token away as I just stand there.

He looked at us with teary eyes.

We gave him sad eyes not wanting him to continue.

He closed my eyes not wanting to see.

The man lets out a laugh locking the cuffs on Hayes ankles and his other guy grabs Jamie and runs into a room.

YOU PROMISED Hayes yells

I don't keep my promises he yells and punches Hayes square in the face.

He fell backwards down some stairs.

We all yell out not being able to watch the youngest in are group hurt.

Someone rushes to Hayes side and puts a needle in his arm.

HAYES all 9 of us scream as Hayes passes out.

At that moment me and the boys moved the fastest we have ever just to retrieve him.

But the gangs men came.

Matt Taylor get Hayes from them the rest of you FIGHT I ordered since I'm the leader.

I throwed a punch at some guy who tired to attack me I looked to my side to see two guys cornering Carter as Carter tried to fight them off.

I jumped onto the wall and flew kicking one of them and tackling the other.

Carter smiled at me and took the upper hand.

I gave him a smile and ran off but than it hit me!

HAYES my little brother I swore I would take care of .

I looked over to see Taylor and Matt trying to fight the leader off as Hayes lied limp on the ground.

Some guy shoved me to the ground and ran for Hayes.

I quickly got up and ran the hardest I could to Hayes.

He picked my little brother up but I quickly delivered a kick to his back and he fell to the ground with Hayes.

I kicked him again with all my power and he let go of Hayes and rolled another direction.

Matt and Taylor chased the leader off and came with the boys on their tail after they beat all of them.

They quickly rushed to me and Hayes side frowning at Hayes condition.

Come on we got to get Hayes back home before they call more people from their gangI order.

They nod and help me pick Hayes up.

All that was in my head was that Hayes is injured and Jamie's kidnapped.

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