are you sure?

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riley's pov

"we should prob get you back out there, breakfast just ended" alan pulled me into a long hug then opened the door and we both walked out

"get her in her cell newbie" another guard ordered alan

he pushed me in my cell and I could hear him whisper a quiet love you then he walked away. after he left I sat on my bottom bunk completely ignoring jenna and I thought. I thought all about how I got in this mess. about how gabriel doesn't know why i'm in here or that i'm escaping. damn i'm a bad friend. I guess i'll at least tell him why i'm in here at dinner.

——-time skip to dinner ——-

I walk out of my cell, still ignoring jenna's snarky comments. I spot grace and decided to apologize for earlier

"hey grace listen, i'm really sorry for being such a dick friend to you. you're right I really should be happy for you"

"nah it's all good ri-guy. I shouldn't have overreacted. love you"

"call me that again and i'll break your face g, but I guess I love you too" I flashed her a bright smile then I saw gabriel "sorry sis I gotta go talk to gabriel, peace" she just rolled her eyes and I walked over

"yo other g can I talk to you?"

"yeah riri, of course. but first let's get some nasty ass prison slop"

we walked up to the food line and the servers slapped some gross ass grey substance on our plates. we grabbed forks and walked over to our own little table in the corner.

"so gabe I realized that you don't know why i'm in here and I thought you deserve to know."

" wait really? you're gonna say why?"

"yup but are you sure you want to know?"

"i'm 10000000% sure."

"ok here goes nothing. so my family consists of 5 sons and 4 girls including me and one of the boys is my fraternal twin brother alan. he's always been on my side. always. but anyways my family has never really liked me that much. they would always make jokes about me, ignore me, and make me do all the work around the house so one day, when they all up and left I wasn't that surprised. alan left me a note saying that they forced him to leave and that he was extremely sorry but that it would be better for me to live on my own. and I thought that too until it was time to buy food or pay the bills. so I started robbing stores and homes to be able to eat and have a home. one day at a jewelry store that I was robbing the cashier had a gun and tried to shoot me, but he missed. the two bullets hit the people behind me. the cashier framed me and I got put in jail for 12 counts of robbery, 1 attempted count of robbery and a double homicide. only my sister kylie and my twin brother alan have come to visit me because the rest of my family hates me and thinks i'm guilty of murder." when I looked up into gabriel's eyes I saw pain and pity.

"I- I can't believe that happened to you. how just how. you don't deserve this. you deserve the world" gabriel's voice cracked and he sounded as if he was in physical pain

"hey I like to look at the positives. if I wasn't in jail I wouldn't have met you." I smiled at him and we ate our dinner in silence.

I went to bed that night thinking about my plan to escape tomorrow and how I probably won't see gabriel ever again. I just wish I could take him with me.
holy shit that was loooooong as hell. almost 700 words. anyways hope you liked this chapter and i love you guys. adios hoes👺

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