Chapter 1

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The third Hokage was during paperwork with stacks of endless papers all over his desk including on the floor. With overwhelming work, the third sighed as he stretches his arms. He sat there and look out the window where it's a sunny day in the hidden leaf village. All of a sudden, a knock came across from his door. It took a second for him to react as he putted his pencil down and shouted, "Come in!"

The door slowly opened and in comes a Anbu black ops with a white wolf mask with a red design all over. The Anbu stood in front of the Hokage as he bow to him respectfully as he spoke, "I apologize for my intrusion, Lord Hokage. But, I have a request from you that you wish to see me."

Lord Hokage nodded as he stood up and walk in front of the Anbu. He speak to him, "Remove your mask, young lad." The Anbu obeyed and did as he told. He took his mask off his face and reveal his identity to him.

 He took his mask off his face and reveal his identity to him

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"State your identity and your background." Third Hokage said.

The young Anbu stood straight and spoke, "My name is Yukio Mura from the Mura clan and I was born and raised in Konoha. I am 15 years old. I was a Chunin by the age of 10 and a Jounin at 13. By age 14, I was assign to become an Anbu black ops."

The third Hokage smile at Yukio as he replied, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Yukio." Yukio nodded with a small smile on his face. The mood change when the Hokage said, "My condolences for your mother."

"Thank you, Lord Hokage." Yukio bow to him. "But, I'm alright. It was time for her to be free from her sickness. She'd suffer for so long and I just know she can now rest in peace."

The Hokage patted his shoulder, "She is, Lad. I can sense it." Yukio's soften, relief with a soft sign from his mouth. The Hokage continues, "This is all of a sudden for me calling for you out of the blue, but I have assign you to become a sensei to a team- co-sensei to be specific."

"A co-sensei, you say?" Yukio raises his eyebrow. "With respect, Lord Hokage, why would you want me to be a co-sensei?"

"I'm sure you heard of the nine tails incident and the junchuuriki?" The Hokage mention, made Yukio nodded. "I want you to be his team and become his guardian." Yukio gasped a little, he wasn't sure if it's a good idea. Before Yukio could replied, The Hokage spoke quickly, "You're not gonna make it obvious- that's the reason why you're gonna be his sensei and be his guardian secretly. He has pass the Genin exams and he'll be in a team. However, he's not ready to do things on his own, especially he's all alone. He has a lot of leaning to do until he is ready. Now, Yukio, do you accept?"

Yukio's mouth was open till he slowly closed it. It took a few minutes to answer the question as he look at the Hokage and nodded, "Yes...I accept, Lord Hokage."

The Hokage warmly smile at Yukio as he went to his desk and pull out three files from the drawers. He hand it to him while saying, "These are the Genin that are in your team."

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