Chapter 2

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Yukio POV

The Genins finally made it to the roof with a few sweats on their forehead as they sat down on the staircase in front of us. All three of them stare at us, waiting for us to say something. I turn my head to Kakashi and gave him a gesture to make him do all the talking. He sigh and spoke to them.

"Alright, now that you all are here, let's start off by introduce ourselves." The Genins were confuse about what he said.

"How do we do that?" Sakura questioned him.

"For example, things you like, things you hate, what your dream for the future, hobbies, etc." Kakashi explained with his shoulders shrug.

"W-Well why don't you go first so we can figure out what we're going to say." Naruto urges him.

"Me? I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate? Hm, I don't feel telling you that. Dreams for the future? Haven't thought about it. As for my hobbies, I have lots of them." Everyone including me sweatdropped.

"Wow~, you are such a great help to them, Kakashi-san." I sarcastically said.

Kakashi turn his head to me with a curiosity look on his face, "If you think I gave a bad example, then why don't you introduce yourself to them, Yukio."

"Eh!?" My eyes widened as my body felt shake up. I see his lips turn into a smirk under his mask as he gesture his head to them. I glare at him for a second till I sighed heavily and look at the Genins, "I go by the name of Yukio Mura. I am part of this team and your co-sensei. Things I like isn't really important to know about nor the things that I hate. My dreams for the future isn't non of your business. For my hobbies...I guess I read a lot and train to get better on my spare time."

All three of them had a curious look as Sakura raised her hand and asked, "May I ask, how old are you?"

"Hm? I'm 15." I tilted my head in confusion.

"What!? You're really 15 and a Jounin!?" Naruto's eyes sparkles with a surprise expression. "You must be really strong, believe it!"

I couldn't really help myself but to smile at his compliment when I replied, "Eh, just doing what I can do to be strong, you know what I mean?"

"My- aren't you such a narcissist, Yukio." Kakashi softly chuckle.

I glare at him and look away, "Shut up, Kakashi-San."

"Anyways, let's continue where we left off." Kakashi look back the Genins and pointed at Naruto. "You're up, Whiskers."

"Believe  it,  I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I like insist ramen in a cup and I also like  the ramen that Iruka sensei bought me at the shop. I hate the ramen that you wait for 3 minutes when it's done  cooking. My hobbies are trying different ramen and comparing them. And  my dream, is to be the next Hokage. Then the people won't stop disrespecting me  and start look up to me- someone important."

'The next Hokage...He may be a knucklehead and an unorthodox shinobi, but he has a very ambition dream. This kid... something about him makes me feel he could be the next Hokage. Then again, I won't believe him till he can show me what he can do.'

"Alright, the pink hair girl- you're up." Kakashi Pointed next to Naruto.

"I'm  Sakura Haruno. The things I like I mean, the person I like is *giggle*.  My hobbies is *giggle*. My dream for the future? *giggle*."

"And who do you hate?" Kakashi asked.

"NARUTO!" She yelled as Naruto's mouth dropped to the floor with a shocking expression.

'Talk about a useless information. Not surprise that she won't take this seriously. What a waste.'

"The boy with the blue shirt." Kakashi point at Sasuke.

"My  name is Sasuke Uchiha. There's a lot of things I hate and I don't  particularly like." Sasuke coldly started. "My future is isn't a dream,  cause I'll make it into reality. I'm going to restore my clan and a kill  a certain someone."

'As I thought. After losing his parents and his clan, not only he seeks darkness around him, he also seeks vengeance by killing his older brother. Heh, who wouldn't feel like that after losing his clan and his parents? Question is, does he have the strength to defeat his brother?'

Kakashi explain about what's going on tomorrow which I didn't really pay attention to. He'd also tell  them to not eat breakfast or they'll puke. Pretty much he's tricking them. He nodded at me as he  disappeared. All eyes were on me as I sighed heavily. "Just as Kakashi said, be at the training grounds early in the morning and don't eat breakfast. I'll be seeing what you guys are capable of being a ninja. Don't disappoint me."

Once I finish up my statement, I instantly teleported to Kakashi's location which was on top of the Hokage tower. As I appear on top, Kakashi was reading his book and look at me. "So, what is your first reaction to your very first team?"

"Utterly pathetic..." Before he could responded my comment, I said while looking away from him, "However, I shouldn't overestimated them till I see what they're going to do in the bell test. All three of them have their own views of being a shinobi. Who knows, maybe they'll surprise me- or perhaps disappoint me."

"Hm, you're quite an observer, Yukiko." Kakashi commented.

"By the way, are you doing that "test" for them?" I curiously asked.

He reached in his pocket and pulled out two bells in front of me. "Do you need to question it?"

I smirked, "Typical. Everyone that took the test failed. Do you think these guys will be the one pass?"

Kakashi put the bells back in his pocket as he turn his back on me, "Now that question remains unknown for now. We'll just have to see if they'll capable to pass."

Both me and Kakashi remain silent for a while as a soft wind blew to us. I look at the view of the village and thought of the team. Most of them have a lot of flaws and barely have anything unique to their skills. The only thing that I can get the answer of their strengths and weaknesses is to test them.

Kakashi spoke, "Don't meet them early in the morning. I'll stop by to your place to pick you up. Oh, and make sure you eat breakfast."

"Who are you, my dad?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

Instead Kakashi replies, he vanished, leaving me on the roof. I couldn't help but smile while I jump off the roof and headed home.

'Let's see what you can do, Uzumaki Naruto.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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