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"The swamp is too small for our family Shrek, I insist that we live in FarFarAway! There the kids can live with my mother and get to know her!.." Fiona said as she looked up at Shrek.
He scratched the back of his head shrugging. "I've known this place nearly my whole entire life Fiona! I can't just leave! The fairytale creatures will just- just trash the place! We don't need to move to FarFarAway! If you really want to sooo badly! Just leave with em!" Shrek said with a bit of anger in his voice as he looked down at Fiona.
Fiona then grabbed her stuff and gave him a look in anger. "Why would I leave you behind?! Your my husband and when we said our vows I promised to stay by your side no matter what! I'm keeping that promise, It's either we let our kids live in a small,dirty swamp home.. or in a great big castle with a beautiful view-" Shrek then interrupted her and spoke. "You don't get it.. I don't want our children to be raised all spoiled like you! And the swamp isn't even small or dirty! We've lived here for almost 6 years and now you decide it's a good idea to leave my home for some "great big castle"? No! I'm staying and I insist you leave Fiona!" He shouted at her and she flinched abit.
"I turned myself into this nasty ugly ogre for you and this is how you pay me?! I wasn't spoiled and if you want me to leave then so be it! I don't want part of this or be associated with you Shrek!" His ears lowered as he heard her shout.
"Fiona I love you.. what are you doing sweetheart?.." His voice got softer and Fiona responded right away. "I can't do this anymore.. Goodbye Shrek.." She said packing her bags and things from the kids. Donkey burst into the room.
"Hellloooooo familia! I brought flowers requested by the lovely Fion- Oh Shrek! Are those new pants? They sure look!-"
Shrek and Fiona then interrupted. "DONKEY!!!! Not the time!!!"
He lowered his ears and walked backwards "o-okay I'll just pick more flowers.."
They both watched Donkey walk out and then Shrek turned back to Fiona. "Fiona..? What do you mean..? You'll come back right?" His voice was filled with sadness and he watched her finish packing her things. "I won't come back to you.. ever.. this is the end of us Shrek.. I'm sorry.." She then grabbed her things and called for a carriage.
He looked down and tears fell from his cheeks. He saw one of his children reaching for him and as Fiona walked to the door carrying them.
The carriage then arrived and Fiona was gone.

Minutes felt like hours, and hours felt like days. Shrek grew sadder the more he thought and didn't know what to do. He had lost his Wife, his children.. He didn't need anyone to ruin his life more.
Donkey came back all smiley like always and asked "Hey um.. Shrek? W-Where's Fiona?.. and The kids..?"
"Gone.." Shrek responded with emotion in his voice

"GONE?! Like dead?!! Oh no! oh no! Shrek what are we gonna do?! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO SHREK?! WHAT COULD WE POSSIBLY-" Shrek covered donkeys mouth and grew tired of his voice. "Sorry Donkey.. it's for the best.." He threw Donkey and watched him struggle to swim in the thick mud. He then got him out and cleaned the mud off his lifeless body. "Good now I can live in peace.. I don't need anybody but myself.." he said as he grilled Donkey. Even though he did what he thought he had to, he still felt empty. He knew Fiona wasn't coming back for him and he didn't want to look for someone new. He sat alone in his table like the old times and ate who was his best friend.

*To be Continued*

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