Shranos:Forbidden Love Chapter 1: The Visitor

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He woke up in his bed alone hugging the pillow that had Fiona's scent. Shrek didn't feel like getting up but if no matter what an Ogre must live a good life and live each day as if it was the last.
He got frogs eye and what He believe was Donkey's leg for breakfast. Shrek completely regretted eating Donkey but then again, he was already annoying enough.
As Shrek  was eating breakfast he heard a large crash coming from outside that shook his house. "An earthquake?" He said as he got up and checked outside. He looked and noticed smoke up somewhere in the forest. "Huh.." He said as he was wondering what it could be.
He got one of his coat and walked over towards the smoke cautiously. "What could it possibly be..?" He said to himself quietly as he got closer to the smoke. After a while of walking he reached the area and noticed a ship that has crashed. He observed it and noticed that whoever was flying the ship must've crashed from space. He walked toward the ship and noticed someone was sitting unconscious, it was the pilot. He kicked the door and managed to break into the ship. "H-hello?.. is everyone okay in here?.." he noticed that the pilot was the only one there that had their pulse. He took the pilot out of the ship and sprinkled water from the nearby lake on his face. "Sir.. are you okay?.."
The Pilot opened his eyes slightly and looked at Shrek. He then put his hand on his head and got up weakly. "Where is he?.." The pilot spoke with a deep voice.
Shrek gave a confused look "He..? W-who is "He?"
The pilot spoke "Spider-Man! You idiot! Don't you remember I was looking for him-  wait.. your not- who are you?!"
Shrek looked up at the man towering him and gulped. "My name is Shrek and um- you seemed to have crashed-"
The Pilot then interrupted "Yes I can see that "Shrek".. My name is Thanos and I'm looking for Spider-Man.. Have you seen him?.."
Shrek looked confused again "S-Spider-Man?.. never heard of him.. I don't think I've seen him around either.. I probably crushed him and added him into my tea this morning.."
Thanos facepalmed himself "NO YOU IDIOT!! It's a boy.. Spider-Man isn't- isn't a literal spider!! You're useless and have no brain in that head of yours!"
"Whoa whoa whoa there "Thanos" You can't just come crashing into the forest and start calling ME an "Idiot" for not knowing your little friend "Man Spider" isn't an actual spider!"
Shrek stood up for himself until he noticed Thanos bringing his face closer to his. "No one talks back to me.." he said as he looked Shrek in the eyes. "I'm looking for him because he has something.. Something I want.. something.. I need.. You help me look for him and I'll leave you be.. But if you don't.. I'll find him myself, and when I get the.. well what I'm looking for.. I'll snap you out of existence..Understood?.." Shrek nodded his head with his eyes wide open in fear that Thanos was capable of.
"Good.. now I need a place to stay.. Mind if I stay in yours?.." Thanos spoke in a more softer tone.
"I guess" Shrek said  still in fear of what he said. He then looked away from Thanos.
"Lead the way then Shrek..." Thanos looked at the distance.
"What about your ship? We can't just leave it here.. someone might do something and then it'll-" Thanos interrupted Shrek and looked down at him. " I do whatever I want with my ship..Now let's go.." Shrek lead the way to his swamp. "Am I really going to trust this guy? He just came in out of nowhere and is deciding to stay because he has something he's looking for? Whatever.. it's not like something's gonna happen.." Shrek thought as he lead Thanos to his home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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