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Jung Jaehyun
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Your brother’s throwing


What do you mean?

Saying he won’t go home
unless you unblock him.

Then tell him he could just
freeze to death outside.

I’m not into dramas.

You’re one cruel sister.

Serves him right.

He said he’s staying for the night
in my unit.

You raise charity for
the homeless?

I don’t.

Fyre, you’re in
a whole different level
of sardonic! Hahaha!

Then, ask that dim-witted
friend of yours
who’s suffering from self-care
deficit to stop being overdramatic
and consider going home as
a way to preserve his life.

Okay, okay. I will.

seen 8:52PM

He’s on his way home now.


Don’t you really get along
with each other?

Idk. We do, sometimes.
But it depends on the situation.

We bicker most of the time.

I wonder how it feels
having a sibling.

Must be nice to have one.

You mean, you’re an only child?

Yes,  I am.

Isn’t it favorable to you?
You’re most likely... spoiled.

I guess so.

Don’t laugh.
You might wanna tell
me what happened earlier.

I’m extremely offended.


John Leonard knew that
I apologized to you
on his behalf.

Okay, just a minute.

He snatched my
phone from my hand.

I tried to steal it back, but
he menaced me by
attempting to throw it
off the window.

I swear, I didn’t
deliberately shared our
conversations to your

If I ever find out that
you’re lying,
forget that I’ve forgiven you
for kissing me without
my consent.

Ayay, captain!

seen 9:13PM


it started with a kiss | jaehyunTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang