3 ••• History of the Quests

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"What's the History of the Quests?" Atheris asks.

"The Quests began when the groups of three began to need a task that was both physically and mentally demanding. They need something that would allow them to work together and grow stronger, whether the task focuses on their Talent or not.

"And so the Quests began."

"Why are there three?" Redding asks.

Eryx raises an eyebrow. "I was just getting there, Redding, if you'll allow me to explain."

Redding slunk low in his seat.

"There are three students in a group, and therefore three Quests. One will focus on the gifts of one Talent and not the other two.

"For example, if there is an Archer, a Mechanist, and a Writer, the first Quest will focus on the Archer's skills. The second will be centered around those of the Mechanist and the third on the skills of the Writer. Make sense?"

The class gives an affirmative nod.

"The first Quest, which you will be experiencing shortly, takes place when you are fourteen. The second when you are sixteen and the third when you are eighteen.

"The Quests are demanding," Eryx warns, "just as they were intended to be. There will be pain. You will suffer injuries and there will be setbacks. I broke my leg in two different spots and my comrades had to carry me for the second Quest. In the third, I got a concussion so severe my group was set back by four months."

Atheris gasps. Then she realizes the whole class was gasping, too.

Eryx waves it away. "I'm fine now, aren't I? Nothing to be concerned over. What I'm saying by sharing these instances with you—it is likely the Quests not focused around your Talent will be the most painful for you. However, I am not saying the one that is centered around you will be a breeze. Your comrades will get hurt. You must care for them. There are some of you here that will likely fail your comrades."

A grim silence settles over the group as Eryx's eyes travel over them.

Then the bell rings, sharp and clear and loud.

"Alright, come on. Let's get to the range."

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