9 ••• The Assassins

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"Atheris," Flint says quietly. "If you wouldn't mind joining me in my office?"

Atheris shakes her head and follows him away from the Technologist and Assassin.


"Please, sit," Flint says to her.

Atheris sits, numb.

"So. You must be confused and afraid. An Assassin? A group you've never heard before? It's rather intimidating, isn't it?"

Atheris could only nod.

"Let me explain the Assassins to you... They're an elite group, small in number, and very deadly. They exist to protect the lives of people like you and me. Though their name sounds very intimidating, they aren't all that bad.

"Occasionally, leaders grow greedy and power-hungry. Then the Assassins come in and clear a way for the new leader to rise up. They are part of the reasons a Marksman, in the case of the Archers, exists. A Techie for the Technologists. A Soldier for the Military. A Captain for the Sailors. And so on and so forth. Understand?"

"Yes," Atheris mumbles.

"I know it will be hard for you, but Kayne is someone who will be an asset to you and Chip in the Quests." Flint's expression is kindly. "Now go get some rest. Tomorrow, you meet Kayne and Chip more personally."

Nodding numbly, Atheris stands and heads back to her dormitory.


"Atheris!" Demitria cries as Atheris enters the dorm. "What happened?"

"Are you alright?" Pippa asks.

Still numb, Atheris doesn't respond. Instead, she walks up the steps to her bedroom. She sits on her bed and places her bow on her lap.

And like she always does when she is bored, confused, or afraid, Atheris takes out her polish and begins to polish the bow.

The Marksman [The Talent of Three: Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now