💙part 10💙

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Hey guys, tenth chapter already! Hope you guys like my book,please comment what you think of it! Love ❤😘

Milly P.O.V

When I woke up Daniel was already out of bed. I guessed he was downstairs so I also got out of bed.

When I came downstairs I saw no one.
"Hello? " I asked.
"Boys? Daniel? Jonah? Anyone? "
"GUYS" I yelled. Still no one.

I began walking around the house but still couldn't find anyone.

"GUYS it's not funny anymore you can come out now" I said as it began to creep the hell out of me.

"Jack, Zach, Corbyn? " I asked with hope in my voice. I started crying a little and felt a panic attack comming up.

My breathing became faster and so was my heartbeat. My sight became blurred and I fell on the ground.

After a few minutes the door opened and I heard footsteps comming inside. On this moment I layed down on the couch.

"Hey, we're ba-" Daniel started but stopped when he saw me there laying on the couch having an panic attack. "Omg Milly what happened" He says as he runs up to me.

"Omg guys she is having an panick attack" Zach said.

"Seriously Zach, like we didn't know" Jonah said with a annoyed face.

"GUYS, cut the crap and help me! I don't know what to do! " Daniel yelled. Everybody immediately shut up and panicked about what they needed to do.

Daniel P.O.V

'Shit, shit, shit I don't know what to do! What do I do!' I thought.

"Wait guys! I have searched it a few weeks ago!" Corbyn said. Of course he did, he is the smartass of the band.

"Then please tell me what I can do! " I yell back at him. I didn't meant to yell but I am panicking so much right now I can't even concentrate.

"She needs to hold her breath" Corbyn says.

"And how do we do that" Jonah asked him.

"Eeuhhm well there is one fast way" Corbyn said scratching his neck.

"Tell me what to do and I'll do it come on we don't have much time you know" I said to him.

"You have to kiss her" He said.
"I have to what? " I asked him.

"You have to kiss her, in that way she holds her breath" He says.

"O-okay" I said. "Are you okay with it? " I asked Milly. She quickly nodded her head as she began to shake more.


'Well okay here we go' I thought as I learned forward to kiss her.

If I was being honest, I felt something. I don't know what but it felt amazing. This feelin, it feels amazing. It was litterly breath taking.

When I pulled away her breath was back to normal and she wasn't shaking anymore.

"Hey" I spoke softly as I sat next to her on the ground holding her hand. "What happened" I asked her.

"I woke up and you weren't there so I thought you would be downstairs but when I looked for you guys I couldn't find you so I panicked" She explained. "When I was younger my mom would always be gone in the morning and wouldn't come back 'till the next week so that's why I had a panick attack" She told us.

I ingulved her in a hug and held her tight. 'Wow, this girl is been to so much but still she managed to keep her head up' I thought.

___________________________________Hey thanks for reading my book! I hope that you like it! Please tell me if I wrote something wrong because I'm not from england/America.
Love xxx

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