💚part 19💚

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Hey guys, nineteenth chapter already! Hope you guys like my book,please comment what you think of it! Love ❤😘

Milly P.O.V.

I slowly woke up and stretched my body. Though I was awake I didn't open my eyes, I was to lazy to do so.

I yawned and cuddled deeper into the warm presence next to me. I felt an arm make his way around my body and pulling me closer to it...

Now I was really curious about what 'it' was. I decided to open my eyes and was met with an chest, of someone. I looked up and my eyes were met two beautiful ocean blue eyes.

"Daniel" I said in my morning voice. He smiled at me and greeted me.

"Goodmorning love" He said. Awee why didn't I recognise his beautiful morning voice before? My heart💓💗

"Goodmorning Daniel" I said back and smiled at him.

I didn't want to go back to sleep but I also didn't wanna stand up. So I just snuggled back into his chest.

He chuckles at me and cuddles me back. He is so warm.

"Can we stay here forever? " I asked him. I looked up and he smiled at me.

"I wouldn't mind to stay like this forever love, but we have to get up and I have to get ready and go to work" He said.

"B-but that means I have to stay alone here? " I kind of asked.

"No love, christina would be here with you and you guys can go out or do whatever you want" He smiled at me. I smiled back knowing I wouldn't be alone all day and that I could finally bond with Christina.

She seemed really nice but I didn't get to spend much time with her. I think we would be great friends. Today was gonna be fun.

"Well then Daniel, get your lazy ass up and move" I laughed.

He held his hand on his chest and said "auch that hurts" He pouted at me. I gave him a cheeky smile and pushed him of the bed so he would go get ready.

"Okay, okay, feeling the love tho" He said.

"Sowwy dawiel, I wuv youuu" I said dragging the 'u'.

He chuckled me and got ready, I didn't want to change clothes since I would be alone all day hanging out with Christina.


Daniel P.O.V.

"Sowwy dawiel, I wuv youuu" Milly said to me.

I know she didn't really meant it but my heart did flutter when she said it. I was so happy inside I didn't know what was wrong whit me.


When I walked downstairs I still had a big smile on my face.

"Goodmorning" I said happily. The guys noticed me being happy in the morning and gave me a weird look. I'm usually never happy in the morning...

"Goodmorning? " Corbyn said. "What did happened or what did Milly do to make you ,out of all the people, happy in the morning? " He asked.

"Oh nothing that she really meant or something but- yea that's already to much for you guys to know" I said.

"Oeehh what did she doooo? " Jack said dragging the 'o'.

"What happened" Zach said all exited, maybe a little to much?

"Guys, if he doesn't wanna tell he doesn't have to. But bro, if she only said something or did something to make you this happy maybe you need to think id you maybe finally found the right one" Jonah said.

"So that's what you guys meant yesterday by telling me 'I ThInK wE AlrEAdY KnOw hOw YoU fEeL bUt YoU JuSt HAvE tO fInD oUt YoUrSElF'" I said mocking jacks voice from yesterday.

"Well, we didn't say anything about that but if you think like this, yes, maybe you like her, maybe even more... " Corbyn said to me.

"Yea, yea, yea now let me just make some breakfast for Milly so I can bring that to her" I said starting to make some pancakes.

"Aweee Dani boy isn't even thinking about food for himself but for his 'lOvE'" Christina said walking into the kitchen. "I swear if you don't marry that girl sooner or later I don't know anymore" She said making me blush.

"Awee Dani boy is in loveee" She said after she saw me blushing.

"Okay enough with the bullying me stuff. Christina since the five of us need to go to the studio today and Milly doesn't know about us being a band. Would you pleasee wanna hang out with her for today? " I begged her.

"You didn't tell her about you guys being in a band?! " She asked in disbelief.

"Babe calm down. We just don't want Daniel to be used again because he's been through so many heart breaks from gold diggers already" Corbyn explains.

Hey Guys, thank you so much for Reading my book! Please tell if you like it and what you want to happen in further chapters.

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