chapter 4: are we friends? (664)

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|Izuku POV|
"you want to what?" I asked in an Excited tone

"I want to fix.... whatever you want to call this" he smiles

His smile is so relaxing and calms me down significantly. Wow I really feel this way towards him...

Before I can finish my thought process kacchan has his hand in front of my face. Offering to help me up.

"What do you say nerd" he smirks

I blush slightly and clear my throat

"Fine with me" I say while grabbing his hand

We smile, but then I notice I was still holding his hand and let go slightly aggressively. Kacchan noticed.

"The hell was that for" he says while trying not to laugh

"I dunno, I didn't mean to let go of you so aggressively" I laugh

He flicks my forehead

"Ow! What was that for?" I say putting my hand over my forehead

"Stop being so uptight, let's continue jogging"

"Fiiiine" I jokingly whine

He smiles and laughs, and then I start running. He yells at me and I can hear him running behind me.

I just run faster and he can keep up without a doubt. He jumps on my back making me fall and we tumble.

"Ow kacchan..." I look up and kacchan....

I blush extremely hard at what I see.

|Katsuki POV|

Deku just started running off without me! He's got nerve, challenging me to a race like this. I start running after him, when he speeds up I do too, soon enough I get close enough to him. So I jump on his back.

Clearly I forgot gravity was a thing and of course he falls. We tumble and somehow he landed perfectly underneath me.

My hands at each side of his head. My heart begins to flutter and I feel my face start to burn.

Without a second of hesitation I jump off of him. And apologize profusely and to my surprise...he... burst into laughter?

"What? What's so funny" I say confused

He smiles, and my heart skips a beat. Geez when did I start feeling this way towards him?

"It's just, I never thought you'd apologize profusely for something as silly as this"

"Well why wouldn't I? I was literally on top of you" I laugh

He looks at me for a second and starts laughing again.

"You know what? I'm gonna give you a reason to laugh because you wanna laugh so badly"

I walk over to him, and straddle him.

"Kacchan what are you-"

And without a second to waste I start tickling his sides. He bursts into laughter and can barely form sentences.

Tears form in his arms and I just taunt him, because he can't do anything in the position he's in. In the position... we're in...

I blush extremely hard and stop tickling. Meanwhile I try to calm down from my near heart attack, deku tries to catch his breath

"This was nice" he says once he finally caught his breath

"It was, I'd like for it to be like this more often"

I help him up once more, and his phone buzzes.

"It's my mom, looks like o have to start heading home"

And without thinking I subconsciously say...

"Let me walk you home"

It looks like I caught him off because he looked surprised.

"What?" I ask

"I-I just didn't think you'd want to walk home with me"

"We live in the same neighborhood, I don't think it'll be much trouble. I'll only walk with you if you want me to"

"I'd like that" he smiles

His smile is so cute. So without a moment to waste we start walking to his house.

Along the way we talk about school, friends, even why we wanted to be hero's.

"So let me get this straight, you wanted to be a hero because you wanted to be the best blonde hero?" Deku laughs

"Like your answer was any better! How were you going to be a hero if you just wanted to be as great as me?"

"Well you're admirable" he says

"Admiration ain't skill buddy boy" i say jokingly

And he playfully punches me on the arm.

"Ow! Someone help I've been wounded" I say dramatically

"A mosquito could have done more damage you drama queen" he laughs

And I start Laughing too, sure he's a dork. But he's my dork so it's okay.

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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