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This will be the last day of class before Winter break starts. I actually love school breaks because it gives me time to write a lot more, but having the reason of winter coming along, I don’t think I will ever like it.

 I am a junior high schooler who has not anything to be remembered of. I’m not a genius. I’m not athletic. I don’t think I have a nice face. I am just a 17- year- old boy with a height of 5’8, pale complexion; overall, I only have the normal features a person could have, nothing special.

But, there’s something I do have, having blue eyes –blue eyes I hate.

I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Mrs. Matthews cooked pancakes and bacon, but I just drank the milk I saw at the chiller. I then tied my Converse and pick up my bag when I saw her.

“Hey Nick, are you done eating?” she asked preparing some of what she cooked in a paper bag.

“Yes. I just ate a little.” I lied, because I know she will not let me get out without eating.

“I don’t think so.” She said frowning. “Anyways, here, eat this okay? And bring this to your brother at your recess.”

“Okay. Bye.” I replied putting the snack in my bag. She went near and hugged me. I froze but I don’t think she noticed that, or I don’t want her to notice that.

I walk everyday instead of getting into the school bus which Mrs. Matthews pays for. I told her that I can walk, and that I have never woken up late for me to need a ride, but still, she insists. Well, she can be very insistent.

I have this neighbor named Elena. She and her family just moved here about a month ago and she’s in the same class as I am. She’s the only person I know from my classmates because she’s the only one who introduced herself to me.

Elena Taylor. We have only talked once but she said a lot about what she likes, her aspirations and who she is. When I pass by their house even at 6:00 in the morning, I can already hear the rock music- which is weird- in I think, her room. Elena is actually adorable and I –okay just forget about it.

“Hey Nick,” she greeted me. This is the first time I saw her out in this time. But as usual, she looks fascinating. She dresses like her idol Hayley Williams who she said dresses as a punk-rock star.

I actually don’t know what she’s talking about when she told me things the first time because we’re not in the same world. Though she said that’s “really weird” because as what she said, Rock is pretty popular but of course, nothing can over Pop music. Well, from the word itself, Pop which means Popular, then I think she can never be wrong.

I don’t listen to rock because my thing is classic. So, I may say that I don’t even know how to answer the question, “How can she be able to talk to me?” Well, I guess, that’s what you call miracle.

“Um, hi Elena.”                          

“You seem different today. Might tell me anything?”

“Oh, it’s just nothing.”I forgot to tell but she sure has a great observation skill. The first time we talked, she said that she thinks I’m a “locked-in-the-room-boy-who-will-spend-their-whole-life-reading” and not like others who are “party boys”, in which, she’s correct.

“You sure huh? Okay, well anyways. Are you free tonight? Guess what! Mom just bought me a copy of Paramore’s Riot Tour Concert Video!”

“That’s cool!” Okay. Cool? What I just know about Paramore is that it is a rock band with a vocalist named Hayley.  “Uhm, I’ll check if I’m free.” But I tell you, that’s impossible to happen because I target to finish reading “The Last Tears” written by Valerie Fitch.

“Well then. See you later Nick.” She waved after making a cross sign with her fingers and rode in her what I think is friend’s car.

I continue walking while listening to the compositions of Frederic Chopin, Franz Liszt, GuiseppeVerdi, Hector Berlioz and other musicians in my playlist of Romantic Period.

I went straight to my classroom and as usual, I am the only person in here. Customary, I went to the rooftop to wait until the bell rang but before I even leave the room, I saw a notebook not on its proper place. I grabbed it and it’s “Shakespeare’s Quotable Quotes” written on the cover.

It is pretty amazing because the pages were numbered and before the bell rang, I’m already on the 57th page out of a hundred. I went back to the room and listen till the last subject Algebra, was done.

It’ recess time and so I went to the football field where everyone’s eyes are on Evan, my brother. Ironic as I am, he’s treated one hell of a football star. Unlike me, he’s the nicest man in the whole campus. Well, if you are asking about who am I. I am just Nick, or Nicholas Matthews, or “The Bluest Eye”-as what the others call me. And I do think that if I am not related with Evan, then I will always be bullied.

“Mrs. Ma -Your mom gave you this.” I handed him his brunch mom prepared.

Our mom. Thanks Nick. Have you eaten?”

“Uh, I’m about to go to the cafeteria.”

“Oh, just have this.”

“Why? Don’t tell me a ‘bunch of girls’ gave you this again?”

“Uh-uh. I really know you’re genius, just as I am.” He said jokingly with a fake job in my arms.

“I better go then.”  I said opening the snack he gave me.

Going back to the classroom before our History class start, I saw Ms. Grace, our librarian. Evan, Elena and Ms. Grace are the only ones I know in this school. I am really fond of books, especially the ones which are about discrimination, “fighting for the right” theme, or anything having its protagonist a brave and someone who can live on his own. Those kinds of books are the best to write a review. Those books are worth spending time for.

Have I said my favorite quotation to you? Well cliché it may be, I like the “Each man is an Island.” And I honestly and personally do not believe in the saying “No man is an Island.” I don’t know but I just think it is lame to depend on one another, what will happen to you after they left you? Never believe in promises, Promises that they “will never leave you.”

I guess that’s the reason why I don’t want to discover the world, knowing that one day there will come an end to it.

That’s why I’ve never used the word forever, nor infinity.

 We’re just fooling ourselves believing in those.

That’s why I don’t depend nor thought of knowing others, that’s why I think “Ignorance is bliss” because knowing everything will just hurt you, knowing that there will come a day, it will never exist again, you will never feel that way again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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