Childhood Arc: Part III

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Yo. So, onto the next chapter I guess. In this, two years have passed since the festival, meaning Izuku is seven years old now. Also, as Shouto’s mother is an old friend of Hisashi (in this) and basically his little sister, Izuku has taken to visiting her in the hospital. Izuku is known by everyone in Musutafu, and is also adored by everyone—scratch that, I mean most people.


Disclaimer: I am not rich, so I have to assume that I do not own Boku no Hero Academia.


Todoroki Shakaku Touya had had enough for the day. Well, no, he’d had enough for a lifetime, but eventually he’d have to return to this god forsaken household, if only to look after his younger siblings. The other one, his older sibling, could take care of herself, though even then he occasionally had to comfort her. But for now he wanted to escape.

So he did.

Touya raced across the streets of Musutafu, not really paying attention to where he was going but managing to avoid those in his way regardless. The harsh, biting wind of the winter stung, but it took his mind off of the dark thoughts that lingered in his mind as a result of the treatment he had just underwent. All thoughts stuttered to an abrupt halt, however, when he ran into someone and proceeded to slip in the snow, leading both of them to be crashed on the floor.

“Ah, so—”

His apology was cut off when he looked up and saw an adorable girl hovering over him. “Mou, someone could have gotten hurt! Are you ok?” she asked worriedly.

Touya blushed, because he really didn’t know how to act in this situation. Not something father saw fit to teach us. he mused bitterly, before shaking his head. “Ah, yeah, I’m ok. Are you?”

“Un. You know, even if it wasn’t caused by the fall, I don’t think that large bruises and burns count as being okay,” the girl commented. Touya looked at her sheepishly, subconsciousnessly fingering the large bruise on his cheek. He flinched. “Come on, let’s go to the hospital.”

Touya shook his head. “I-I’ll be okay.”

“Sure you will. Look, your burns could blister and burst, and then they could get infected. Not a good situation. Let’s just get you healed up at the hospital.” she retorted, standing and holding her hand out.

Not entirely sure why, Touya took her hand and allowed her to drag him to the hospital. They didn’t converse on the way, but Touya was rather relieved at that. She hadn’t questioned where he’d gotten the burns or the bruise. That was good, because he wasn’t quite sure how he’d respond, but he knew it wouldn’t be good.

When they got to the hospital, Touya stood back awkwardly as the girl spoke to the receptionist with an air of familiarity. He wondered if she was a frequent visitor to the hospital, and if it was for family or for personal injuries. She didn’t seem like the type to get into fights, but looks could be deceiving. Or he could be completely wrong and they were family friends, or maybe the girl just spoke like that with everyone.

Ringed Eyes (he had to call her something) turned to him and took his hand once more, dragging him to a waiting room. After a few moments, they were called and Touya learned her name.

“Yozora Izuku!”

Touya nervously sat on the hospital bed as a nurse tittered around him. “How ever did you manage to get these injuries?” she asked disapprovingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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