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You stayed long enough for dinner, wanting to in the very least be polite, no matter how poor your appetite was. But after the pizza was gone you politely excused yourself from the house, scurrying back to your own. That sensation of dejá vu had washed over you again, frightening you with its insistence. But you had never met anyone like the pair of brothers, so where was it coming from?

You hurried home, your head low as you walked quickly. You didn't see Teddy watching you from the window curiously.

Freddy was still in the little kitchen, washing the dishes after the meal. But he sensed that something was on Teddy's mind, so he called out, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm not sure," came the younger male's response, soft and distant. "But I... I'm feeling something," he admitted. He just couldn't place what he was feeling.

Freddy sighed. A cute girl had gotten his counterpart's attention? Of course he was going to feel something. "Teddy, don't go falling for the young lady, we're here for a reason."

Teddy evidently did not take his advice too kindly, for he rushed to stand in the kitchen threshold. "Are you fucking serious? I get a feeling from some poor girl and you just assume that I'm falling in love or something?"


"Don't you "Teddy" me! That's not my name!"

"I am not going to call you Toy Freddy like this. It's absurd."

"Fuck you and your absurdity." Teddy didn't understand why he was so suddenly lashing out. Freddy hadn't done anything to anger him, not really.

So what was it, then? Frustration? Exhaustion? It could have been anything.

Freddy merely sighed and lowered his head, trying not to lose his cool over something so trivial. The poor boy was worn out and tired of moving around, looking for something when they didn't even know where to start. Schools usually seemed to be a good option, but since when had schools been connected to a pizzeria? "Forgive me. But... you know what it is we have to do. I do not want you to lose sight of that, do you understand me?"

"Obviously," Teddy snapped back. "It's all you ever wanna talk about. Our fucking mission. But we don't even know what we're looking for!"

"That doesn't mean we stop looking!"

"So you're just hoping that we come across something?" Even now, after so long, Teddy had grown tired of always being on the move, searching for the unknown. "That's really fucking helpful, thanks Fazbear."

Freddy whipped around and glared at the younger male. "Do not test me, Toy Freddy. You will not like the end result."

"Fuck you."


You tossed and turned endlessly before finally sitting up with a groan. So long of wanting to sleep, and now you weren't able to. It was cruel irony.

Rubbing your eyes you got up and checked the time. A quarter to one in the morning, so at least you had some time left before you were absolutely forced to get up.

You paced your room for a little while, thinking over the day's events, your bare feet making hardly a sound on the hardwood floor.

Teddy... I'll be damned if he isn't cute, but why do I keep getting that feeling of dejá vu? I've never met them before.

Eventually you made your way back to the bed, sliding beneath the covers and closing your aching eyes.

Maybe this time...


The pounding at your door startled you awake. Who the hell was knocking this early in the morning? Your clock said it was hardly 2am, and you groaned as they knocked even louder. "I'm fucking coming, God, don't break my door..." you muttered, annoyed as all hell.

It was pouring rain, with thunder and lightning, the works. The wind howled outside the windows and you had no idea how you had managed to fall asleep during it.

Opening the door showed a face that you had to blink several times to believe it was really there. "Forgive me, my dear, but we've lost power..." Freddy murmured, soaking wet and flinching slightly when the thunder boomed overhead.

You stepped aside, letting the taller male in. "Let me get you a towel. What else do you need?" you asked quietly.

"Candles, preferably. Something that does not take batteries." Freddy tried to smile a little as you walked around, gathering emergency candles and wondering just why the hell he was even awake at this ungodly hour.

Then again, so were you. And hadn't you been told that Freddy had nightmares, as well?

You handed over the candles as well as a towel, which he took gratefully with a smile and dried his face and hair, slicking it back into its place again. "Thank you, dear," he murmured, handing you back the towel again. You simply nodded. "I assume you are unable to sleep again?" When you nodded he frowned. "Did I wake you?"

"No," you lied. You were trying not to be angry at your poor neighbor for waking you after all. It wasn't his fault he knew no one else in the neighborhood.

"May I ask what your nightmares are like?"

This was new. Your stomach clenched, and you took a slow step back, not looking at the male. "They're just night terrors. I know it's stupid but..."

"They most certainly are not stupid." Freddy gently took your arms and guided you to the sofa in the living room. As you sank into the plush seat he sat beside you on the edge. "Would it help to talk about them? I will not judge you."

You shook your head. You didn't want to talk about them. Not in the least.

He frowned a touch, hand on your arm again. "I insist."

Sighing, exasperated, you eyed him. "Teeth. I have nightmares about things with awful teeth. Okay? Are you happy now? Go ahead and laugh at me." You looked away again, out the window, where the rain continued to pour.

The hand on your arm began to squeeze painfully tight, and you winced. Something sharp began to dig it's way into your skin, and you looked down, trying to twist away from it.

It was a hand, attached to Freddy's arm. A hand that was covered in metal, with piercing claws that were digging into your flesh.

"Do you mean teeth like mine?" he growled. His voice was distorted and mechanical, sounding louder than ever, practically echoing through your house.

Terrified you looked up, coming face to face with a set of teeth that you never could have imagined, even in your worst nightmares. They were all you could focus on, and never mind the being attached to them. "Darling, I suggest you look at me when I'm talking to you," he- it- purred, claws digging deeper still. Blood began to run in rivulets down your arm, making you cry out in pain.

Freddy only chuckled.

Insomnia (FNaF x Reader) (Discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt