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(I promise I have not forgotten about this book, the updates are just super slow.)

You went home in a total and complete daze, not very long after Teddy had pulled you into his kitchen. Head spinning you sank into your sofa, wide-eyed but unseeing.

You hadn't even caught a glimpse of Freddy, for which you were astoundingly grateful. The last thing you needed was to relive nightmares, and come face to face with things you shouldn't have been dreaming about to begin with.

What the fuck is happening?

You sank into your couch once you were home, unable to get the feeling of the kiss off of your face- or your mind, for that matter.

I... what the fuck is going on? I hardly know this guy!

But was that honest? You did know an awful lot about his past, whereas you had been somewhat short and curt with him. And still he found it in his heart to kiss you.

I... I mean, he... he's...

He was sweet. That's all there was to it.



The younger brunet froze, still in the kitchen, facing the sink as he washed dishes like he was a dishwasher at the pizzeria. Elbows deep in suds, he turned his head to glance at Freddy, who had snuck up on him despite the size difference. "Yeah?"

"What do you think you're doing?"

"... washing dishes? What are you, going blind?"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about." His voice had gone soft, but that certainly didn't mean that he was going to go easy on things.

The softness to Freddy's tone made him hesitate, hands slowing to a stop. With a sigh his shoulders slumped a bit before he turned his head towards the older male. "I didn't do anything wrong, Freddy. I'm just being nice."

"That seemed a little too nice, Toy Freddy." Again with the softness. With one strong hand he forced Teddy to face him fully. "You're getting too attached. Do you realize how dangerous that is?"

"I'm not "getting attached", trust me. I..." How could he explain the feeling he got from you? That the crucial piece that they were missing seemed to emanate from your very being? "Look, Freddy, I've got a good feeling about her."

Freddy's eyes flashed for a moment. This was a first; for as long as they had been searching, none of them had ever gotten a "feeling" before. Was it a sign?

Still. "You're going too far."

Teddy frowned deeply. "Well, what the hell am I supposed to do, ask her if she has any memories of things that probably don't make sense to her? Yeah, I'm sure that'll go over well." His sarcastic tone was enough to get the older male to frown, but the younger one turned back to the dishes. "I'll back off if you really want me to," he added, muttering. But would he actually?

"Good. I don't want to have to come between the two of you."

"Whatever." Teddy rolled his blue eyes and sighed heavily as Freddy left the kitchen before his hands slowed to a stop for the second time. The trouble was, he didn't want to back off from you. It was the first time that, as a human, he found someone he genuinely liked. And he wasn't so ready to let that go.

》 ♡ 《

You bolted upright in bed, amidst a tangle of bedsheets, sweating profusely. "Ugh..." you whined, wiping your face a little bit with a shaky hand.

There had been another nightmare. When would there not be? But this time it had involved two of those damned creatures. This time there was a bunny, purple with strange pink eyes, but the same sharp teeth and claws as the bear had. So now there was more than one, which was just fucking wonderful.

But it makes me think of...

No. That would have been a little too strange. It was bad enough that you automatically associated the bear with Freddy.

You glanced at the clock hesitantly, unsure of how much sleep you had actually managed. It was a little past four in the morning, so there was that. Closer to your alarm than you thought. Sliding from the messy bed you silently padded your way to the kitchen to make your coffee, mind turning to other things as you walked.

Like, for instance, the kiss.

Your face burned. Why couldn't you have dreamt of that instead? Teddy was sweet enough, and you could hardly imagine him turning into some horrific beastly thing. Not that you expected Freddy to, but the nightmares had ruined your perception of the older male.

You slowly sipped your coffee as your mind lingered on the kiss. Was Teddy thinking about it as often as you had? Or had he simply brushed it off as nothing special? Surely not. He seemed too kindly to kiss just about anybody. Right?

Sooner than you would have preferred, you absolutely had to get ready for school. You dragged your feet, dreading the moment that you and Teddy met up again. You felt immensely shy all of a sudden, and hoped that he wouldn't poke fun at you over it.

But as you left the house, you glanced at his, seeing that the front door did not move. Was he running late? At this rate he would be. When he didn't emerge, you eventually had to give up and made your way to the school building.

Teddy, like yesterday, never showed up in your shared class, so he must have stayed home. Was he genuinely sick? You didn't know. Despite your exhaustion, you made up your mind to at least visit him after your classes. But the kiss was still very much at the forefront of your thoughts, and the closer you got to his house the more anxious you became.

There was another vehicle in their driveway today, a bright yellow thing that stuck out like a sore thumb. More friends?

He did say there was, what, ten of them? That's so many...

Shaking your head you walked up to the front door and knocked, perhaps a little too loudly. But what- or rather who- you were greeted with, you were unprepared for.

It was Teddy, at least, but there was a cute, bubbly blonde female with her arms wrapped around him. She giggled as he opened the door and eyed you carefully. "Ooh, who's this?" she asked in a sweet voice.

You couldn't stop staring at the arms wrapped around the male. Teddy looked at you with eyes that seemed to plead for help, but your anxiety spiked through the roof, unable to take any more of it as you spun around on your heel and ran for your front door.

The tears were nearly blinding you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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