Chapter 10 horizon

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As Callum walked along the pear he saw some people lodging a large commercial transport ship, he ran up to the man that looked to be In charge.

"Excuse me ser but we're is this ship headed?"

"Eh it's headed to franc, if you be interested in getting a ride it'll cost you kid, well?"

"Yes me and 2 others need transportation to France ser, haw much will is cost us?"

"If you ant going eat with the crew around $150 a person, we leave in 2 hours, if you ant here we will leave you, you got that."

"Yes ser."

Callum pulled out his phone and sent a text to Rayla and Ezren telling them to meat him at the peat ASAP and to bring food to las 8-10 days.
They texted back almost immediately saying they were headed towards the pear, Rayla said that she would be there in  about 2 minutes, Ezren claimed he was looking for zym and would be thee in 20 minutes.

"Callum I got as much food as I could fit in the bag with the camping stuff, but I think it will be enough for all 3 of us for 9 days."

"Cool I hope ez grabbed som food to, and I got all the stuff we need from the car, I payed for passage on a ship going to France."

"Well that will get us closer to Scotland at least, is that Ezren?"
Rayla said pointing to a small figure running fast towards them.

"I think so."

"Callum Rayla, I grabbed a lot of food, and a loot, I mean a lot of candy, Callum you said that you have a way to get us across the sea?"

"Yes I do, come on let's get on the boat."
Callum said proudly.

Whalen they got to the boat the same man was standing there and looking at some paperwork on a clipboard, when he noticed Callum approaching him he called out.

"Yo kid these your friends? Well just get on find an empty room and make yourselfs home."

"Thank you ser." Callum said as they made there way to the deck of the ship, and down to find a room.

—— after they find a room——

"Well Callum what should we do for entertainment?" Rayla asked.

"I'm not sure, maybe we could make a plan? Hay Ezren were you going?"

"I'm going to find a quiet place to play with zym I'll be back in a few hours."

"Ok be safe!" Both Callum and Rayla called after him.

"So what are we going to do after this hole escaped?" Rayla said sitting on one of the 2 beds

"I have no idea it will be almost like a different world!"

"Well I know that what ever we do we will do it together! I'm tired Let's sleep."

"Ok goodnight Rayla."


——2 days from France——

"Ugh I'm sooooooooooooooooooo bored! Raylaaaa, callllum is there anything we can do for fun?" Ez said while Callum and Rayla were sleeping.

"Hum what time is it?" Callum asked in a tired voice.

"To early to be up, go back to sleep Ezren." Rayla said slightly angry that she was woken up at 6 when there was no good reason to be up at all. So they all went to sleep.

—at 1 pm—

"Hay Rayla are you awake?"


"Ez is still asleep let's go to the deck and look at the horizon?"

"Yes that would be awesome"

—Whalen the sun is about to set—

"Callum haw long have we been out here?"

"I have no idea, look at the sunset it is so pretty! Maybe I will try and draw it later."

"I bet you will do a great job. Let's go back  to the room, I am tired."

Hay sorry for not updateing in forever, I am just really lazy and have no other excuse, I will try to update more hopefully every one isn't to mad and is likeing the story

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