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Nerris opened her eyes, but she could see only darkness. She had a splitting headache, "Where am I...?" She muttered, not even knowing if she was talking to anyone.


Preston's voice was clear, and they were both relieved that they had a friend there.

"Preston! Where are you?" She asked. He shrugged, but she obviously couldn't see that "Just follow the sound of my voice."

Nerris nodded, and she slowly crawled towards where she thought Preston was. "Ow! Watch it!" A different voice was heard, Nerris had crawled on top of Oliver. "Sorry, Oliver! Preston, you come to us, we have half of the group here."

Harrison's groan was clearly audible over the shuffle. He easily produced a small orb of light that illuminated the small area around them.

They all yelled in unison. They didn't look like themselves. Their voices were the same, but they all looked like...demons.

"What is happening and where are we?" Nerris asked, scared out of her mind. Harrison realized what had happened, "We're in the shadow realm. Only demons are supposed to come here, so I guess that means we're demons now..."

Preston looked at him blankly, "You've got to be kidding me."

Harrison shook his head, "Sadly, I'm not." They all stood up, looking at each other's new forms.

Nerris was the most shocking. She had large, curly horns. She had a slender tail that had a tuft of fur on the end. Her eyes had changed from a blue to a startling yellow. She had fangs as well. She had added the height of about 10 inches, and her clothes were outstanding. Mixed with lots of colors and a bit of sparkle.

"W-why are you guys all staring at me...?"

The three guys chuckled and Harrison spoke up, "You make a pretty demon, I'll tell you that."

Harrison looked how he normally did whenever Shadow would take control, except he had sharp horns and a tail.

Oliver looked almost identical to his brother, except he clearly had a younger look to him.

Preston's look was almost as extra as Nerris', except his horns and tail, were smaller.

It all came to them at the same time, "Shadow must be here..."

Harrison thought for a second, "It's so stereotypical, but you can say a demons name three times and it'll appear. Let's try this out since we're just as powerful as him now. Shadow, Shadow, Shadow."

It was truly that simple. A ripple went through the air, and suddenly another man appeared.

"Who summoned me?" He asked in a deep voice. "S-Shadow?" Harrison asked carefully.

He turned to Harrison, "No...it can't be. You were dead! I saw it happen before me! There is no way you should've even been able to get down here!"

Preston spoke up, "Down here?"

Shadow sighed angrily, "The shadow realm goes deeper than hell. It is inaccessible unless someone sends you here when you're alive."

They all laughed a bit and Oliver answered, "Our mother sent us here because we brought Harrison back."

Shadow was much taller than everyone thought he was. He was wearing all black, well, different shades of grays and blacks.

His horns and tail were the same as Harrison's, and he had sharp fangs. He looked to be about 6' 9", with shoulder length pitch black hair.

Shadow held the bridge of his nose like he had a headache, "I guess I'm going to have to help you leave here. I really don't like the fact that you could be stronger than me. Once you go back into the overworld, I will no longer be with Harrison unless I'm summoned to him again."

Nerris let out a sigh of relief, "Oh thank God."

The ground trembled, it felt like an earthquake. Shadow looked at Nerris, "You can't say that name here. Or anything that's close with it. Unless you want to be bullied by the other demons. Come on, follow me."

Shadow started walking away from them, expecting everyone to follow. They shared a small look of concern, then decided to follow him. The darkness slowly started to lighten, revealing a surprisingly beautiful world.

The ground was a dark violet color, with multi-colored trees dotting the land. They came upon a small village, with multiple demons walking around. As soon as they entered the village, everything stopped. People stopped what they were doing, just to stare at the new visitors.

Shadow proceeded forward, ignoring them. Nerris and the others looked around and noticed that the rest of the demons looked nothing like them. The others were dull, and they didn't have the bright colors of the kids.

"They're alive.."
"How'd they get here?"
"Why is he with them?"

Murmers like that were heard throughout the village. Harrison tapped Shadow's shoulder, "Do they not like you or something?"

Shadow shook his head, "What I did to you, no demon here would even think of doing. Surprisingly, most of us are peaceful, not wanting war with anyone. They more or less hate me for harming a child." He explained.

This shocked Nerris. The bloodthirsty demon that they met, wasn't at all like the rest. Sure, he looked like the rest, but his personality and mindset was far off.

Oliver showed his confusion, "Why did you do it? It's not like you got paid or anything, so you must've had personal reasons."

Shadow sighed, "Well, your parents didn't just put me with Harrison, he had to make the deal on his own. I follow the path of our ancestors, the path of evil and possession. Once I finally had the chance to pray on an innocent victim, I took it. I could've been sent to some sort of prison, but Master hasn't caught me yet."

"Master? You have a master?" Preston asked.

Shadow nodded, "All demons do, from the day they appear in the shadow realm. Mine just happened to be angry with my choices. She's like a bothersome mother, I swear."

Nerris kept asking questions, "Where exactly are you taking us then?"

Shadow smirked, "To a very special demon. She took me in after my old master threw me out. Myrddin is quite a treat."

Preston and Nerris shared a confused and concerned look, "Myrddin?"

Shadow nodded, "She is the only demon and human hybrid known to man. She constantly goes from the overworld to the shadow realm. She owns a little magic shop."

Nerris sighed, "We've already met her. She sold us the book that brought back Harrison. I suppose it was also used to bring us here."

The dark demon looked back at them and chuckled, "You'll get an earful from her whenever we see her."


A.N.: Hello! Everything is starting to come together, isn't it? I thoroughly enjoyed writing this chapter. If anyone would like to draw everyone's demon forms, I would like to see them! Anyways, have a good day/night!

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