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Shy away my dear,

Call me by the name

of my  forefathers,

Splendid, is their cry of the night,

Hoarse and sultry

with deep chuckles reverberating

from their upturned bellies.

Fly away my dear,

For I hold the power

to rage the earth

rip it from the inside out

and send it spiraling to it's extinction

Let its blood simmer

beneath my fingers

a horror foretold

by the oracles of the sun

as the scry for prophecies

of their shattered future.

Run away my dear,

You're going to break

from the sword

that I carved from your bones

and the sling

from the skin of your soul

will be your downfall.

Your beautiful voice

will be the one I use

to seduce you from the nest

you were born in.

To The IntrovertsWhere stories live. Discover now