Chapter 11: Sarah

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When the light died down, James was gone I couldn't find him anywhere. 

"James! James, where are you?!" I screamed in hopes that he had fallen and rolled off when the light flashed. 

He never responded but George said, "Do not worry child, for he is the descendant of Arthur and what makes it even better for him is that he is also the descendant of Merlin, not an easy life but a true one indeed." 

"This is not something of a light matter, my boyfriend is gone! You are lucky that I can't hurt you for fear that if I do I may never see James again, other wise you would be so malformed, you wouldn't look like you were ever a living thing." I screamed at George. 

"Calm down, young sage, I know that he is fine and that he is the descendant of Merlin and Arthur because he has my abilities, I am not George, my name is Merlin. I preserved myself for almost 3000 years, I came back after he was born, Arthur is still dead though." Merlin said. 

"Wait, what? How can you possibly live or preserve yourself for 3000 years?" I asked. 

"It wasn't easy but I was able to freeze myself solid." Merlin explained. 


"Where am I?" James asked. 

He couldn't see a thing, the area in which he stood was as dark as oil, not a single light in sight. James decided to create a ball of light, when he did so, all the darkness in the room disappeared and a very striking young man stood in front of him in full battle armor from the medieval ages. 

"James, listen to me, and don't freak out on me, ok?" the man asked. 

"Ok, but who are you, and where am I?" James asked. 

"James, I am King Arthur, you're in my afterlife. This a lot to take in I know, but you must understand that what I'm about to say is all true and very important, are you ready to hear it?" Arthur asked. 

James straightened up and looked him dead in the eye and said, "Yes". 

"Alright then, you are mankind's last hope, you must stop Dakota, he's your real problem, Leon is dangerous but he's a small scale villain, he can't kill you it is impossible, only Dakota can kill you, he may be your twin, but the two of you used to be one person. In the womb your conscience decided to split you into two people, that way you wouldn't be constantly warring within yourself and end up destroying yourself, you see, the two of you aren't just the descendants of myself and Merlin, but also Morgana, an evil witch, whose only goal was to kill Merlin and I." Arthur explained. 

"Wow, no wonder I am so good at magic and swordsmanship. Why, though? Why me?" James asked. 

"Because you're the only one with anywhere close to the same amount of power that Dakota has and you have the power of light running through your veins, he has darkness and the light cleanses the dark." Arthur explained, again. 

"Now, you must return, goodbye my child, cleanse the dark!" Arthur yelled as he faded out of existence. Then James was falling. 

"JAMES!" I screamed, "Merlin, save him!" 

"I can try but I don't know how, wait, you're a sage, put a shield around him!" Merlin said, freaking out. 

I tried to put a shield around him but I couldn't get myself to calm down enough to get my magic to respond, so he fell and fell, straight for the fast coming ground. 

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