Chapter 4

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Maestro, Leaf, Ash, and the girl are inside the Pokemon center. Ash was talking to Nurse Joy while the other two girs were bombarding Maestro with questions.

Leaf: How did you do that? What was that motion that you did?

Maestro: It's called a Z Move. I learned it when I was in another region.

Girl: Another region? You've been to others?

Maestro: Sort of.

Girl: What was that motion that you did?

Maestro: It's the motion I need to use to activate the Z Move. Inside one of my bands here, holds six stones that activates Z moves. I have one for each type that's in my team. I also have others.

Leaf: Do you have one that my Bulbasaur could use?

Maestro: I do. I also have a band that I can give you.

The girl looks at Ash. She sees her bike outside the Pokemon center.

Girl: You, boy with the hat! You owe me a new bike!

Girl: You, boy with the hat! You owe me a new bike!

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Pikachu comes out on a stretcher. The girl calms down.

Misty: Well, I guess I should tell you my name. My name is Misty.

Maestro: So what type of Pokemon Trainer are you?

Misty: I specialize in Water Pokemon.

Maestro: I have one on my team.

Misty: Just one?

Maestro: One is all I need. Did you see the move I used? Water is weak against Electric. You wouldn't stand a chance.

Misty: Really? Would you like to have a battle now?

Maestro: Sure but I need to check my PC first.

Leaf: What are you looking for?

Maestro: Just making sure if I have the ultimate water pokemon in my Box.

Maestro looks at his boxes. He sees the pokemon that he looking for.

Maesetro: (Whispers to himself) Kyorgre. There you are, old friend.

Leaf: Did you say something?

Maestro: No. I'm just making sure I have my whale.

Leaf and Misty look at Maestro confused.

Maestro: Don't worry about it.

Nurse Joy sees Maestro.

Nurse Joy: You're back!

Maestro: Indeed I am. Watcha up to?

Nurse Joy: I have to get these Pokeballs to Pewter City for safety. There is a group of people stealing other people's pokemon.

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