05 Father

76 4 12

I sat in the bay window with Maya We just sat there looking out the window It was still pretty early It was around 5 and Uncle Eric and T left about an hour ago

Maya- What if we never found her

Maya asked

Riley- Who

I asked because Maya didn't give me a name

Maya- T If she never met crazy hat she would never go to school If she didn't go to school she wouldn't have met us which means we couldn't have helped her What if we never met her

She Explained

Riley- But we did meet her And we did helped her That's the best we can do Tomorrow we will buy her clothes and we can give her first christmas in a long time and we just need to appreciate that the world put us together in the same place

I said


Mom yelled from the kitchen We got up and we went to the kitchen We saw that mom made macaroni and cheese I went straight to the fridge and got out the ketchup

Maya- Riley if you put that in your bowl

Maya started to say but it was to late because i started to pour it on my macoraroni and cheese My dads phone started to ring He got up and excused himself

Cory- You're kidding

He said

Well why haven't you ever told when you got that

He said again He waited for about 5 minutes

Yeah i won't tell anyone

No i will tell Topanga

Fine i'm glad you found her

He said

Riley- So who was that dad

I asked

Cory- A person Topanga can i talk to you for a moment

My mom followed him and she had the same reaction When they came back in we kinda avoided the subject A couple minutes later Josh walks through the door

Josh- Hola mi famila

He said

Hola mi Maya

And he sat down next to her draping his arm around her Maya gave me a smug look

Riley- You're not going to be my aunt

I say She just shrugged

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