Good Day

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I stepped out of the airplane and smiled at the beaming sun, today is going to be a good da--
"Move it." A grumpy guy pushes me and I sigh, slumping my body.

Let's not let that guy ruin this good day though!
I hum to myself as I made my way through the airport until the exit of arrivals. I made sure to keep my eye open in case I see them.

"Y/N! Over here!!" I hear a cheerful voice call for me

"F/N!!" I tell while speed walking and soon running to hug them. We embrace each other for a moment before letting go
"Ew man let go of me- I'm taken" F/N jokes
"By me" I finish with a wink as we giggle to ourselves.

F/N was someone I knew from long ago, we were best friends until they had to part and study abroad. We kept in touch though, which I'm forever thankful for. I dont know how my life would go without them.

We have some food before hopping in F/N car and talking about the latest news

"Dude you remember Kyle?" I ask inching at the edge on my seat
"Yeah? What about him?"
"Turns out we were right dude, he WAS gay"
"No WAY" F/N laughs
"Guess who for?"

"Luke" we say in unison before laughing together

"He didnt have to deny it so hard man" F/N says, sulking "we were friends"

"Yeah, hes a little more open about it now" I smile, proud of you Kyle :')

F/N parks their car near an apartment and proceeds to open their door
"Here, my friend, is where you will be staying" they say proudly with their hand on hips

"What in the car?" I joke receiving a playful punch on my shoulder.

We both carried my stuff in, F/N helping me organize things so I can pack them in my room tomorrow morning.

"Still cant believe we are going to be roommates" they lay on what is now my bed

"Same" I sigh as I jump in as well.

"Oh yeah.." F/N started "why did you suddenly decide to move here anyway?"

"Oh! I got a job, not any job though- My dream Job! Storyboard Artist!!" I say excitedly throwing my arms in the air

"OMG I'm so proud of you!!" F/N squeezes me with a hug "we gotta celebrate this!"

Theres a pause

"Tomorrow though"

"Yeah tomorrow"

"Its like...middle of the night man.."

"Yeah..I'm tired from the flight"


Tomorrow is going to be a good day.

((Dont ask me how they hired you even though you werent there
Maybe you got experience or something idk))

Alan Ituriel x Reader Where stories live. Discover now