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A week had passed and we I was finally settling in. F/N had thrown a small party for me, we drank some sangria and went out to visit local bars, I'm not a party person but I did enjoy my time dancing and drinking a few drinks.

I had set up everything to my liking and bought some materials for myself, promising that I would pay F/N back but they said to take it as a present.
I sat on my bed, tapping on my fingertips. Now all I gotta do is wait.


Frustrated I look for something to do:
TV? Boring
Cleaning? Done
Cartoons? Which one though?
I was pulling on my hairs, it was only morning! F/N doesn't leave work until 4pm, what am I to do until then??!!

"These few days had been so busy and fun that I completly forgot that F/N has their own life." I sigh

It wasnt until an ad on TV caught my eye. On the TV it displayed coffee being poured in slow motion and I immidietly got an idea.
"Just because I changed locations doesn't mean I change my hobbies" I say putting some drawing materials in my bag.
I check my hair before I leave, twirling around in front of my mirror to check my outfit out. Satisfied, I pat my pockets (if you have any) to check for my earphones, phone and keys.
"All set" I smile to myself as I close the door behind me.

??? PoV

I sat down with my friend at the cafe after ordering our drinks. We were here to discuss work but we always got caught up in some dumb joke he or I made.
It wasnt until our drinks arrived that we got started.
"We already got most character voices in both Spanish and English, the only problem would be background characters" he says pulling out a laptop from his bag.
I sip on my drink as I nod in agreement "I'm sure we can manage, normally they just have a few words to say"
As he logged in I looked around, not being used to coming in here
"Neat place huh?" He says with a lazy smile
"Yes.." I notice someone come in, a girl/boy. Her/his (H/L) hair swaying as they walked and shyly tucked it behind their ear (unless it's too short) as they ordered. He/She had an interesting appearance.
"....neat place" I finally manage to finish my sentence as I pulled out my sketchbook.
Luckily they sat just across from us so I could see them, I smile to myself as I start sketching
"Hmm?" He hums "Aaaah I see" chuckling he looks over
"What?" I ask, genuinely not understanding
"See something you like Alan?" He winks while nudging me.
It took me a few moments to understand
"What? No" I laugh as he keeps winking anyway "stop it Miguel" I say looking back up at them to get their prepositions right.
When I look up, he/she looks my way too and we make eye contact.


"OOOH NOOOOOO, he saw me didnt he?? Does he think it's weird???" I think to myself while scribbling away to pretend I'm busy.
"No wait Y/N! He looked at you too- so basically you guys are alright" I attempt to comfort myself as I sip on my (drink of choice).
I look down at my sketchbook, I had already drawn a few people but something about that guy made me draw him ...well..more than once.
I glance up slowly, just to take another look at me and nearly choke on my drink.
"He was looking my way again!" I press my pencil on the paper. I check behind me to make sure he wasnt looking at someone else or if I was the weird one, I hear some quiet giggling. Looking up, I see him and his friend laughing, the guy playfully hitting him once or twice, once they noticed I was looking they immidietly stopped and looked away.

Putting my things away, I frown to myself. Here I go again pulling my hopes up only to get knocked down, I sigh.
As I was about to leave he passed by me and slips a paper on my table while passing by. He doesn't stop and just walks straight to the toilet, as if it was his main route. Curiously, I take a look at the folded paper only to see a beautifully drawn picture to what looked like me.

Alan Ituriel x Reader Where stories live. Discover now