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After Alistair stopped talking to Luna, she came and sat by Mina and I on the couch.

"I bet Australia has a lot hot dudes right?" Mina asks me

"I mean in straya I was always busy with modeling, family and cobbers" I don't really pay attention to guys but if you really want to know then yes, Australia is the place to go for hot Aussie guys" I tell her and she laughs

"Man I bet, I should go to Australia just to get some hot Aussie dude to hook up with" she says

We've only been living together for a week and I can already see how daring Mina is. She keeps to herself, but when your talking to her she's not afraid to chat what's on her mind.

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED" Leon shouts and quickly runs into the living room with yeong-gi

My attention quickly focuses on yeong-gi as soon as he enters. Something about him just makes me more intrigued. Every time I see him I just think to myself "what a spunk he is!" but I would never say that to him because I'm not that open of a person.

Because I model, it's hard having a social life. It's hard to talk to people normally because I'm so caught up in business and the model industry. But something about the way yeong-gi talks to me makes me feel so welcome, he makes me feel like I can tell him anything without feeling hesitant about it.

"truth or dare, everybody get in a circle, let's actually get this party started" yeong-gi says

We all gather on the floor in a circle and I decide to sit by yeong-gi and Mina and Luna sits by Leon and Alistair.

"Alright my dudes who's first" Leon says

"Rock paper scissors bitches" Mina adds

"No no , I'll just go because you guys are a bunch of wusses" Alistair says

"Luna truth or dare" he asks Luna

I look over and see her terrified face right after he asks her. I wouldn't blame her, I'd be worried too.

"Truth" she finally says after a long wait

"Are you a virgin?" He smirks waiting for her reply eager to know what she says even though we all know the answer

"I am" she says shyly. Alistair shrugs

"Alright truth or dare Leon" Luna turns and asks him

"DARE BECAUSE IM NOT A CHICKEN" he shouts, most likely drunk already

"I dare you to pick anybody in this room and compliment them for a straight minute"

"Yo that's too easy" he turns and looks at yeong-gi

"My love, your the most perfect sexy, hot Korean I've ever met. The way your hair flows in the wind, UGH JUST A FAT ORGASM. If I was a girl, I'd hit that right away. Not to mention, your realllyyyy thicccc daddy. Your personality is one of a kind too.

"Ok you can stop now" Luna says and everybody immediately cracks up

"Bro that was deep" yeong-gi says

"Brought tears to my eyes" I add and yeong-gi turns and smiles at me making his dimples very prominent. God I love his dimples.

"Ok Aussie girl truth or dare" Leon turns to me and asks

"Dare because I'm not a dipstick" I laugh

"Someone finna buy an Australian dictionary so we can actually understand Lucy" Mina says

"Since y'all have been flirting today, I dare you to turn to yeong-gi and kiss him for 30 seconds straight

He turns toward me with a smirk and I quickly smirk back. Since him and I are already pretty tipsy, I decide to just do it. I'd like to say I'm pretty brave but brave to the point where I have limits for myself.

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