To Play with a Dragon

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Prompt: None

Prompted By: Me

It was hot in the mindscape. Patton's smile was wiltering in the heat, his cardigan abandoned on the floor, and his polo and khakis replaced with a blue tank, and cargo shorts. Logan wasn't much better, a frown carved onto his lips, sweat beading down his face. His clothes were also changed to a lighter grey polo, no tie, and shorts. Roman was the worse though, abandoning his shirt completly, and walking around in only very short shorts. Virgil seemed fine with the heat though, if anything he was more energetic.


The little dragon growled at Roman, headbutting into his shin as the creative side laid on the floor. "Currow!" He pouted, jumping onto his abs, and making Roman jump in pain.

"O-Ow!" Roman gasped. "That hurt Virgil. What do you want?"

Dark purple eyes narrowed. "Pay!" He huffed, plopping himself over Roman's chest.

The Creative trait frowned, brows furrowing. "Pay?" He asked.

Virgil huffed in frustration at not being understood. "Pay wi meh." He huffed, black scaled cheeks puffing out.

"Don't get salty with me Jack the Huffer!" Roman sighed, pushing himself up, and pulling Virgil to his lap. "It's too hot to play Virge, why don't you choose a movie. We can even watch Sleeping Beauty for the 50th-"

"32nd actually Roman." Logan corrected, getting a brown glare that he ignored.

"Anyway, lets just watch a movie." Roman sighed.

"Nu! Pay!" He shook his head, sttuggling to get out of the Prince's hold.

"It's too-"

"Virgil do you want to go play outside?" Patton intervened, holding up a medium sized device that Virgil had never seen before.

The dragon perked, letting out a coo of approvement, his interest perked. Roman had made a huge front and back yard full of fluffy green grass surrounding the house, caged in by a white picket fence, followed by a usually sunny sky that was only sometimes clouded, or rainy. And while the other sides could go outside whenever they wanted, Virgil wasn't allowed such a privilege since he was so young, so he was ecstatic to go outside whever he could.

Virgil followed behind Patton like a lost puppy, jumping outside the moment the door was open. "Tank oo." He purred, running to the grass.

The dragon dove into the grass, giggling when it tickled his nose. It was very warm outside, but the plush, humid grass felt nice on his scaly body.


Blinking, Virgil sat up, looking around. Dark purple eyes fell on floaty, colored circles. There were red ones, yellow, blues, and purpeles all floating around the yard. A purple one drifted over right before his nose, sparkling in the light.

'What is it?' Virgil wondered reaching towards it. His claw poked the sphere, and it popped. Startled, he stumbled backwards, rolling in a complete ball before landing on his tummy.

He frowned at the spheres, pushing himself up into a preditor crouch. His rump wiggled before he darted out, slashing at the spheres with his claws. He ran around the yard, pouncing, climbing, jumping, and snapping at them.

Virgil snapped his jaws over a red one, before his eyes widened and he tried to spit it out. It was bitter, griney, and tatsted like the green slimy stuff Patton put on him during a bath. Whining, he darted across the grass back to Patton.

Patton sat on the back porch with Logan. The glasses wearing duo were talking, not about anything specific, just idle chit chat as they fanned themselves off, and inbetween glancing at Virgil as he played with the bubbles form the bubble machine they set up.

Patton giggled, watching as Virgil ate a bubble. From afar Virgil's face shifted from confused, to alarm. Twisting into disgust before he ran to the porch.

"Hold on Kiddo, let me open up a juice box." Patton shothed, stabbing a straw through the top while Logan pulled him up on the outside table. Patton held out the box, smiling at the baby as he drank from the Juice box, washing the gross taste out of his mouth.

"Having fun our little storm cloud?" Roman mused, stepping out of the house with a purple plastic kiddie pool. It was your standard hard plastic cool, but with a slide coming out of the front, and sliding down into the pool where it rejoined the plastic. Logan frowned at him, looking from the pool, to Roman. The Creative side's face flushed. "Its not for me!"

The Logical side rolled his eyes. "I still think its indecent to talk around without a shirt. A least put one on as we are outside." He muttered.

"No, its too hot." Roman huffed. "Desides, you let Virgil walk around naked, at least I have the decency to wear shorts!"

Virgil tilted his head in confusion, looking back at Logan. "First of all Roman, he is a dragon, Second, he is a baby. You are a adult, of human form, and you know better."

Patton quickly stepled in. "Settle down. Roman go ahead and fill the pool up, I don't think Virgil wants to play with the bubbles anymore." Virgil verified his statement by pulling a face and sipping at the juice box again.

Roman nodded, continuing down to fill up the pool. Virgil jumped down and followed after, watching as Roman turned on the hose, plopping it into pool. The dragon flinched at the loud noise, but all fear was chased away. His purple eyes widened in awe, watching the cool, clear water flood the pool.

Cooing, he placed his little dragon paw in the water, purring at the cool feeling. Roman chuckling pulled him away. Smirking, Virgil stepped back. He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with air. Right as Roman turned, Virgil let out a breath of fire.

Startled, Roman staggered back, landing back first into the pool. "Cold!" He screached in surprise, followed by relief. He watched the Dragon Witch snicker before he crawled into the pool, laying on his chest. "You know what, I'm not even mad." He smirked, leaning back. Mindlessly he started petting Virgil.

"Say." Virgil ordered, closing his eyes in a nap.

"Alright, I'll stay." Roman promised.

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