A Grave Beginning

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           Daddy Derek awoke in a dark room, starting to remember small snippets of what had happened the previous night. "Oh frickity frick frack!!" he screamed, not noticing the fact he wasn't alone. "Hello... Derek..." Derek looked up, to see none other than his worst enemy, Sans undertale. "SANS!" he yelled, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO COOL CAT?!" Sans scoffed, mocking him. "Oh you will find out soon enough.." Suddenly, Daddy Derek remembered what had happened. 

          "Derek!" Cool Cat shouted, Derek still not noticing. "Hmph. I guess I'll go somewhere else.." Cool Cat said, slowly walking out of the club. Derek finally noticing him, followed. "Cool Cat? Where are you going?" "J-just leave me alone." Cool Cat responded, shedding a few small tears. "Cool Cat, I'm sorry, I-" I was knocked out. I heard Cool Cat scream, right before I saw the outline of Sans over me.

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