Chapter 62

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Tessa's POV:

The sound of strange voices speaking in a weird language woke me up. My head and body hurt, so I didn't try to move just yet. My ear tufts flicked slightly at the unusual words and accent. I had never heard it before, yet could understand it perfectly due to the Blood Memories.

"We're almost there. Is there any sign of pursuit?"

A rather creaky voice replied, "Negative. Two were almost caught, but self-destructed to avoid capture."

"A preferable way to go considering the events that just occurred."

"Tessa..." Mom called longingly, as if not expecting a response. There was a pause as shock rolled down the mindlink. "Tessa! You're awake! Are you alright? Where are you?"

"I just woke up. What happened?" Things seemed a bit foggy and didn't make sense.

"Can you show me where you are?"

Slowly lifting my head, I blinked bleary eyes to clear them. It was a tiny shuttle; barely big enough for the two white-skinned aliens sitting side by side in the front. Peeking over my shoulder, I confirmed that I was in the back, stuck inside some sort of small cage made from metal bars.

I shared the images with Mom. "Where am I? Where's Soranto?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out. Are you able to see outside any window?"

There were no side windows, but if I lifted my head against the top bars and peered between the two aliens, I could see a glimpse of inky blackness out the front window.

I sent her that image as well as telling her, "One of them said we were almost 'there', but I don't know where it is. They don't see anyone following either."

"Are you hurt at all?"

After a quick check, I replied, "Just sore. My head hurts, and I have a few cracked scales." My wings hadn't been broken or injured during all of my tumbling, which was a small miracle I was grateful for.

Her relief was almost a physical force. "Taureen is asking if you can send him a mindlink of what the controls look like."

"I can't see them." I re-sent the image of the back of the two aliens towering over me, including Taureen in the mindlink this time.

I laid back down on the hard floor, hoping my aches would go away. The cage was barely big enough for me to stand in. It was pulling up Blood Memories of the scientists in the lab, and it made me uneasy. I didn't trust the Votaks.

Mom kept the mindlink open with trickles of emotion and let me rest. I was grateful for the mindlink – it made me feel less alone. Along the edges, I could feel Dad and Dirk, although they didn't say anything and just sent relief and love across.

"Bay doors are opening."

Lifting my head as high as I could, I managed to make out a cratered grey surface and the edge of a rather dark hole. I sent the image to Mom, Dad, Dirk, Taureen, and Aeria.

My eyes widened as the hole took over more and more of the window – before plunging us into darkness. The lack of light grated on my nerves, although dim illumination from the control panel faintly silhouetted the two Votaks. Dim yellow lights appeared outside as the Votaks opened up the side doors.

I hissed at him when he grabbed the cage, pinning my ear tufts back. He shook the cage slightly, making me fall down as my claws skidded across the slippery bottom. Scrambling back to my feet, I backed up against the rear wall while growling at him.

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