Lets do this

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//sips PoV\\

Toby climbs through the window followed by the girls and we slowly come out of hiding and make are way to the front door. Nilesy, panada and the others that don't live in Bristol couldn't help us but we've got enough people. turps and Minty are gonna stay integrity car, minty for first aid and turps incase we need a quick get away. Oh and zoey didn't come because she doesn't like violence do Ruthin stayed with her.

No one wants to knock the door. Too scared. I sigh and move to the front of the staring group. I lift my balled fist up and knock on the White door. At first there's no response. Then we hear loud footsteps coming towards the door. everyone behind me moves back a couple of steps. I shake my head and look up at the door. it swings open and a big guy comes out.

"what do you want?" he asks.

"Well I was wondering why you love in a rundown neighbourhood, coz there doesn't seem to be anyone else here" I say boldly.

"What's it to you?" come on.

"Just wondering like I said no else is living here" I say.

"Well it's none of your business, so take your posse and leave" he stubbornly says.

"Excuse me but, we're looking for a girl have you seen her she went missing a few days ago? her names Abi" suddenly Simon says.

"How would I know! you lot live in Bristol why would she be in havant?" got ya!

"How do you know who we are and where we live then eh?" I say smirking. he mutters something under his breath which I think is 'oh shit'.

"Now we want her back, we know you took her we just want Abi back" Kim says.

"Shut it pipsqueak you ain't getting her back full stop" Kim looks really offended, it actually kinda funny. Right that's it as he steps out the doorway, to shoo us away, I quickly scoot past him and run in the house. looking around, its a tip. how can someone live in this condition? before you know it everyone's in the house looking around.

"Right I told you the nice way, now your gonna pay for it" Abis real dad shouts. I turn around and suddenly I'm met with a fist to the face. I spin with the force and land on the hard ground. I lay there unconscious and I can hear the gasps from the other yogs as I fall. my eyes closed looking for revenge.

//Sjins PoV\\

I hang to the back of the group when they go to the door. 1: I'm scared 2: sips is with me. well for a minute anyway. he pushes to the front and knocks on the door. After a few mins of arguing sips barges through into the house and the rest of us follow. The big man comes in and locks the door. he goes to sips and yells and then, he hits him. and that's it. I explode. bad enough he took Abi, but then he knocks my best friend unconscious? no. I run at him yelling.

"YOU MOTHER TRUCKER!" I punch him in the guts but he doesn't seem bothered by it. He angrily laughs at my attempt and he stomps over to me. I stumble back crashing into a cobweb full bookcase. not being able to move further he grabs my neck and snarls at me. His spit covering my face. Duncan comes up behind him with his machete ready to hit him. He smashed the sword into his head and blood flows down his short. he lets go of me. dropping to the floor I gasp for air as I was apart suffocated. I look up running my throbbing neck. Duncan looks scared and keeps slashing his sword at him. Martyn and Kim disappears no where to be seen. Duncan cuts the big guys leg and then he really gets angry. yelling he runs to him, but lewis gets in the way.

"Aww look your boyfriends sticking up for you" the son of a gun says. Suddenly Hannah takes over lewis trying to protect him.

"No Hannah" lewis shouts. And he pushes her away. Looking over to sips he's still on the deck. I don't know what to do. I craw over to sips to make sure he's ok. checking his wrist, I find the pulse is faint bit still there. his face has a massive bruise on it. I see an open door which happens to be the kitchen. I look around to find blunt knifes. I suppose they'll do. I hold it tightly. and run into the horrible living room.

"No sjin stop!" lewis shouts. what? I look at the bastard and see he's got Hannah captured. he looks at me.

"You touch me again and I'll snap her neck" he says trough his teeth. I hear a bump come from upstairs and look up.

"That will be izzy. teaching your little friends a lesson" he says sternly. how did he know they were up there? all of a sudden I see martyn Rush the the stairs.

"Don't you dare go up there" the fatty says. slowly martyn comes back down the 2 steps he gained. what Abi's 'dad' didn't see was Kim come from behind the sofa. she slowly walks behind him. careful not to make a sound. Then...

"AARRGGHH" Kim amazingly kicked him in the balls from behind.

"No one calls me pipsqueak" some of the yogs smile a bit but then I see my chance but before I could do anything sips comes and knees him in the face.

"You leave a mark in my face, you get one back" he says. The guy drops Hannah to the floor. she crawls over to Lewis hugging him. then it's hatfilms turn. I had Smiffy the the knife and he goes over to him. Trott stands by his face.

"You mess with our Friends hatfilms mess with you" Suddenly the fat lump grabs trotts leg and yanks him. Chris falls to the hard ground with a thump and is knocked unconscious. blood leaking from his head, forming a small puddle. For a moment he looks like he's not breathing. Ross runs to the rescue checking his pulse. he starts whimpering.
"Ross?" smiffy says. he just nods. and smiffy goes crazy. hitting the bloke over and over again. I didn't know the 13 year old had it in him. Making gashes in his back that constantly bleed, no stopping smiffy now. Duncan then joins the hitting. Though he's slightly more sane. Hannah and lewis try to pull them off. Eventually they do. Martyn disappeared again, most likely upstairs.

//Martyn's PoV\\

As soon and the shits down I run upstairs going in to each room checking for Toby. On the floor I see a girl, Izzy I guess. with a stab mark in her back. Toby wouldn't do that would he? neither would Maddie, or Grace. I over hear them speaking.
"How are we gonna get her out without dropping her out the window?" I hear Toby say, slightly crying.
"Through the door maybe" I say the girls faces light up when they see I'm ok and I receive a small smile from Toby.
"Come on I'll carry her" I say walking g I the room. I gently pick her up and carry her bridle style down stairs. I unexpectedly see Trott on the floor with Ross and Smiffy crying next to him. As soon as she sees him, maddie rushes down the cricked stairs and jumps the last steps to get to her boyfriend. Grace doesn't seem bothered by Trott but she sees Smiffy crying and she gets upset to. she walks over to him wiping away one tear and hugs him. he hugs her backs and Simon says.
"Awwwwww" of all the times Simon. everyone looks at him.
"What? just lightening the mood a bit" he says. I shake my head and walk it the front door with Abi in my arms. Hannah rushes into the car along with lewis sips and Sjin. all four of them squeezed into the back with Abi on their laps. Me, Kim, Smiffy and Ross sit in the middle seats in the middle of the car with Trott along our laps. Maddie sits I front of me on the floor. And grace does the same infront of Hannah. Turps is in the drivers seat with Simon next to him. and sips and sjin sit in the back seat that pull up instead of the boot. so that's a 12 seater car with 16 people to drive with. not too bad but we're gonna need a couple of stops to stretch of on the way back to Bristol.
You'll be fine Abi, and so will Trott and I'll keep Toby sane for you Abi.

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