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Henry spent a lot of time on his own.
He's quiet.
He had friends.
But when those friends are gone, you learn to keep yourself amused.
He couldn't count the amount of times he's focused on the slightly bumpy texture of his newly painted wall, tracing his finger and feeling the distance between each raised section.
Or watching the grass outside change depending on where the clouds are. There's sometimes a line between the deeper green that has a tinge of cyan, and the lighter lime shaded part that has a glittering from the water drops.
When you have a lot of time on your hands, you can use it to notice everything.
Literally everything.

It was maybe a year or two alone.

And then Emma came around.
Thank god she did.
"Hey asshole where were you?"
She slammed her bag on the table, there must be pens in there as the sound of them crashing together is quite prominent.
He had missed biology, and Emma wouldn't admit it, but she was worried about him.
"What do you mean?" He could've sworn it was Wednesday, he never has any classes Wednesday morning.
Oh god.
Was that why his Mom was looking at him weirdly this morning??? Of course it was.
She assumed it was Chad again.
She's the only family member who knows he's gay, and he's with Chad.
If you can call it that.
It's very on and off.
Depends on how he's feeling.
"You're telling me you slept in? Fuck off I'm so jealous!"
Emma lightly punches his arm.

They both go to eat, and Henry notices Emmas gaze leading off towards Charlotte. She's quiet but somehow popular.
Everyone says she's gorgeous, Henry doesn't see it.
Emma is bi, and Charlottes the first girl she's ever felt feelings for. But Charlottes not the first girl to make Emma tongue tied (and embarrassed).
She faces her embarrassment by being super defensive, and yet Charlotte never seems fazed by it.

"Henry will you see Brigadoon tonight?? Please!! It's the final show and you haven't seen any of them!!"
He rolls his eyes, but the beam on her face makes him nod.
"Apparently Sycamores drama students are coming to see it, they don't do shows though so I don't know why."
Emmas voice continues but Henry can't focus on it, guess who's just walked in.
"I'll see you next period Em."

The sounds of his footsteps echo through the empty halls, it's weird when it's lunch.
He thought he was alone but the feeling on his arm proves otherwise.
A strong spin and he's facing Chad.
"I'm sorry about the other day, I just get too worked up over it. Forgive me."
This was the first time they've probably ever spoken at school.
"Oh wow so you saying that it was embarrassing was just you getting worked up?"
Henrys voice was so cold, and cut through Chad, he was kinda thrown back by it.
"Baby please." It may have been a whisper, but somehow it always seems to make Henry melt inside.
"This is your last chance."
That's the third time he's ever said that to Chad.
Only this time he means it.
Henry hadn't seen but Chad quickly looked down the corridors checking to see they were empty, before quickly kissing Henry.
"I'll see you around."
And gone again.
Like always.

They'd been in the middle of work and then Emmas voice filled Henrys ears. She's so loud. "Hoe."
His and Emmas conversations really were so very affectionate.
"I've had this text from my friend at Sycamore. Basically. And he is nervous about coming tonight. So him and two of his baseball teammates are accompanying him. And I wanted to bring him in and-"
"You want me to show them?" She nods, "Okay add some seats that are reserved. I'm not sitting on my own."
Maybe this would give him a chance to make new friends, people other than Emma (and Chad).
"His names Bill. He's really lovely."
Henry nods dismissively, still focusing on his little interaction with Chad.

"Emma can I ask you a question?" She nods and bites into her sandwich before gagging and putting it back down.
"Go ahead."

"You know that argument with Chad," she raises her brow, "The most recent one? Well I've told him he has one more chance."
She rolls her eyes, how many times will he say that.
"Right just like last time? Or the time before that? Or is it different?"
"I don't think you get it though. Emma I think," he almost whispers, "I think I love him."
She laughs but it sounds like a huff. Honestly, she just pities Henry.
"No. You do not. It's basic manipulation. He's made you think you love him but you don't. You know it."
He doesnt reply. So she continues,
"Look maybe you'll meet someone soon. Maybe you won't. But Chad treats you like shit. He's a good friend. He was to us the summer before you were together. But he's not right for you romantically."
He remains silent.

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