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Those thoughts had been leading him somewhere almost subconsciously.
It had been a few hours since he'd departed from Henry and Bill, deciding their ship name was to be "Hill" because that's subtler than "Benry" and sure he felt a pang of jealousy but felt obliged to be happy that his friend had found someone.
Maybe it was someone he wanted but that would leave.
Ted had a really useful (well not always) trick that he can choose how he feels about people, sure it started after mild trauma and trust issues but hey, it means he doesn't hold onto toxic relationships anymore.
This trick would cause Ted to be able to push those (purely platonic) feelings about Henry away from his mind.

The "nipnip" gc buzzed in Teds pockets and he whipped out his phone almost dropping it.

penis puncher: theo and billiam fuck lads. think i messed up

*wa happen* (His glitchy phone was NOT on his side right now)

baby daddy: Are you o.k.? Do I need to pick you up?

penis puncher: bas, was w emma and then this grl came over and kinda had a go at emma about spending time with me but she said it nicely? and then emma got pissed off with me and left. but idk

*yooooo wtf*

baby daddy: It wouldn't have been you! Trust me. She probably went to have a go at the girl!

*ye it would b far to bemad*

penis puncher: but like it was like emma was with this girl. what if i was taking her normal actions as flirting and she has a gf and i just messed it up?

baby daddy: Then she would have explained that, do not fret my friend. I have ice cream.

*nah she wunt b, n pint getn mad* (Okay right he was starting to get frustrated)

baby daddy: I apologise Theo but I literally have no idea what you are saying.


He decided to just read the conversation from then on out, it was just Bill comforting Paul, until he asked the name.
And he got Charlotte as a reply.
"Surely not..." He whispered to himself, theres gotta be another one, Hatchetfield isn't THAT small.

*charlotte mayfield?*

penis puncher: yup.

Teds summer fling.
What a mistake.
She was the first person he told he was questioning his sexuality and she got so offended she slapped him and then ran back to her cheating ex.

baby daddy: I am pretty sure Henry mentioned that name earlier. Apparently Emma used to like her and then she was an a**hole to Emma and then they argued.

*juicy. u got on well with henry then*
(His text was unintentionally passive aggressive. "Unintentionally.")

baby daddy: Yes he was very nice. We should meet him again. It was really nice this morning.

*mhm or you could just meet him on ur own lmao*
He started to get irritated for no known reason so he just turned his phone off.
And his thoughts drifted to his dream a-fucking-gain.

Thinking of Henry he realised he was on the street where Henry lived. He looked across the road towards his house, and even though he couldn't clearly see what was going on he could hear shouting.
He should wear his glasses more often.
There was a loud slam before someone in a red jumper started to walk hurridly away from the house. Ted thought the jumper looked sorta familiar before realising.
He sorta walk-ran across towards him.
Henry was fast and stopped and hesitantly turned around before sighing and looking away to the side.
"Hi..." His voice was weak and he wouldn't look Ted in the eye, so Ted moved and started to walk next to Henry. Who's arms were crossed with one hand almost constantly wiped under his eyes at the same interval of each blink.

Teds heart sunk a little at the sight of Henrys cheeks that had puffed slightly from what seemed like hours of being drowned in sorrow.
He doesn't know quite yet if he was in the right place at the right time or whether it was the opposite.
They walked towards a park, Henrys soft sniffs were the only sound other than footsteps. Park wasn't the right word, it was a field surrounded by a gate that had a few areas where you could have a picnic, he'd seen many families do it before. Ted was familiar with it due to multiple times with Elliot since the age of 7, their Mom refused to take them and Dad was never home/awake.
A bench was conveniently placed near the entrance to the relatively small patch and Ted didn't even have to ask Henry if he wanted to sit, he just collapsed onto it and started to cry harder into his hands.
Ted rubbed light circles into his back before Henry sighed and laughed to himself and rubbed his face, wiping tears with his jumper.
"Sorry for that episode."
His voice was harsh but yet Ted still liked it.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me but if you wanna cry more feel free."
Henry shook his head and laughed through a heavy breath.
"I'm good. I'm pretty sure I've emptied my tear ducts for the next 4 months just today. Who knew one person could cause that much emotion?"
I do, you have no idea, Ted thought but didn't say outloud, instead he just shrugged and stopped rubbing Henrys back, who was still leant forward on his hand.
"Sounded like it." Henry giggled to Teds response.
"I'm an idiot right? You can tell me honestly," He paused but Ted knew he wasn't finished, "Hold on you don't have to tell me, I already knew."

They laughed to each other and Henry moved back onto Teds shoulder, contemplating whether or not to tell Ted what had happened.
"Seems you were in the wrong place at the wrong time getting stuck with an overly emotional capricorn."
"You're a capricorn? I guess that means we aren't compatible."
He'd gone through a phase when he was younger, do not remind him of that.
Don't even ask about the birthstone phase.
"Aries or Libra?"
"I see it. Definitely."
"Really? I see myself more as a gemini. They're pretty cool."
"What the hell they're one of the worst signs!!"
"Speak for yourself. I know loads of amazing Geminis!"
"Hmm and what other bad opinions on signs do you have?" In Teds opinion, there were no bad signs, just he got along better with certain ones.
"Cancers are great."
"Nope too emotional..." Henrys voice had finally returned to normal.
"Actually your lover boy Bill is a cancer so shut it."

Henry blushed lightly, much to Teds dismay.
"And to think, 10 minutes ago you were sobbing. Now we're having zodiac discourse."
"It's funny how certain people can make you feel better just by sitting next to you."
Ted hoped it was aimed at him, which caused his stomach to flip upside down. Henry partly aimed it towards Bill but he had noticed Ted never had made him nervous or uncomfortable so it was mostly aimed towards him.
Ted just looked towards the sound of a chirping, a sound that echoed the way he felt in that moment, positively better than before.

And then he felt a warm presence wrap around his stomach and a head lightly press his shoulder.
He put his arm around Henry and felt almost unreal. Henry leaned back and looked into Teds eyes, his had pure innocence threaded through the flakes of gold circling his pupil contrasting the different depths of blue which looked like spikes of ice the lighter they were towards the center.
Ted couldn't help but flick his eyes down to Henrys lips for a split second, to which a small grin appeared. But they shortly returned to the previous position. Slowly he moved himself closer to Henry.

And he snapped back into reality, this dream thing had moved it's beautifully ugly head back into Teds mind again. Beautiful for the images it gave Ted. Ugly for the feelings it left.
Henry had said something, but his arms were on Teds shoulders and he was shaking him lightly, he looked as if he was waiting for a reply but it was a weird way to do that.
"Sorry I zoned out. Rude of me. Please repeat. But I get if you-"
"No don't worry about it. I just kinda saw you shut your eyes and wrap your arms around your waist and you kinda looked happy and then I thought you were gonna faint."
"Yeah sorry I do that a lot. Paul gets really annoyed with me over it haha."

"Don't worry about it."
He smiled and Ted caught a glimpse of those eyes, and they were similar to how he'd imagined, only there was more.
He just didn't have time to look and discover more.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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