Chapter 11

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I would like to say thanks to HimeNastume14 in AO3 for this idea. Great minds do think alike.


"Hey, Levi. How are feeling?" Armin meekly approached the raven.

"I... I think I'm fine now," Levi hesitated. Blinked several times to return his full attention on the log book.

"That's good to hear." Armin took the seat next to him and opened his book while casually looking at the raven next to him.

Seeing Levi stepped inside the library with his over-sized pastel blue sweater tucked on some white shorts, pair white knee-high stockings and baby blue sneakers. The raven Omega looked like he was well taken good care of his partner. It was quite clear that Eren picked it for him because Levi often wear nerdy like just like Armin. Now, the raven looked like a fragile doll.

"I like your outfit."

"T-Thanks..." Levi stuttered. He gotten a lot of compliments when he walked to work. "Eren insisted... Guess he's right..." He added shyly, recalling how the Alpha went on his knees and kissed the Omega's feet just for Levi to wear his chosen outfit.

"Levi, please. Just this once." Eren pleaded.

"No! I don't wanna! People will stare at me!" Levi retorted, immaturely. It also shocked the raven too that at his age, he couldn't believe he acted like a brat. His moods kept swaying non-spot and he doesn't know why.

"Please," Eren fell on his knees. "Just this once, it will suit you." The Alpha's head almost touched the floor. Inching closer, he kissed Levi's feet. Eren didn't mind if going on his knees for his Omega, it was humiliating but he didn't care, he'll do anything for Levi.

Levi gritted his teeth, he didn't know why but he was slowly leaning towards the Alpha. In the end, he put on the clothes that Eren prepared.

Armin leaned back his chair and flipped the pages of his book. Seeing that Levi was so focused on the log book, the blonde Omega took a peek at the raven's neck. He studied the mark, it indeed looked like a bite mark. If he was not mistaken, those were teeth marks.

Suddenly a hand covered the mark, Levi caught him staring. Blue-stormy eyes locked into bright blue ones. Armin wave his hand sheepishly. "I- I just noticed you had a scar there," He quickly covered up.

Levi looked down with a small smile, "Yeah."

Armin stared at him, completely confused. One, the blonde Omega didn't know what the raven actually meant with that simple reply. Two, Levi seemed happy, his fingers brushed on the scar lovingly before he withdraw it and turned back to the log book.

"I see," Armin whispered.


Levi thought he was fine, but on the following day, he found himself once again hugging the toilet bowl and puking his guts out.

"Levi? Are you okay?" Eren called on the other side of the door.

The Omega sniffled, tears spilled on his eyes as bile rose once again. Was he sick? Maybe this ilwas going to be his death because he shrugged this off and neglected seeing a doctor. Levi started panicking at the thought that he may have some sort of terminal illness that may end his youth. He recalled that Eren cleaned up the place to his standards but he neglected to double check it. What if Eren missed a spot and that cause him this weird illness?

"I was fine yesterday.... why now?" Levi wiped his tears on his face with his sleeve, he flushed the toilet and fixed himself on the mirror. He looked worst compared the other day, his eyes were red and his face was flush.

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