Chapter 1

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" Life damages us. We cannot escape that damage. But we can be mended. We mend each other. "
-Veronica Roth

We all are different, but we have some similarities. We have our own stories. Stories which may be dark or bright. We make mistakes. We get hurt. And sometimes we are broken. But I guess that's how it's suppose to be. Because we mend each other. Broken pieces do fix together and exist. Similarly,  we heal each other. And sometimes that's all we need. Another human being! To mend our broken heart, and to fill in the cracks with their warmth and love.


"Water... Water! "
And once again. It was another bad dream. Zavyaar was exhausted, he couldn't breathe properly. It took 2 minutes for him to realise that he was safe, all fine, in his bedroom. It was 3 a.m. Another bad dream, another disturbed night. He sat on his bed for almost 10 minutes and kept thinking that when will these dreams end? Then he took a glass of water from his side table and drank it. And then he went back to sleep. It was difficult, but eventually he slept. Because he used to be tired, tired of all the office work. Zavyaar used to have dreams since the past some years, incomplete dreams!  Dreams in which he was falling from the heights, or some black clouds were covering him, and sometimes he used to be all alone trapped between darkness. He knew this did not meant anything, he wasn't afraid of these dreams, but he was disturbed.

Zavyaar Malik was the owner of one of the biggest industrial group of Pakistan, Malik Industries. 2 years ago, his father died in a car accident. Luckily, he got saved, because he was in that car too. After his father's death, he became the owner of all the property. And he was alone now, all alone in his big villa, with loads of servants.
His mother died 3 years ago, diagnosed with cancer. She was struggling and fighting the war of life and death, but she failed. She died. She left him all alone.
And his only sister, who was 2 years younger than him, Mirha Malik, had died. For Him. She didn't existed anymore for him...


After completing all the work, and washing the dishes, she finally took a deep breathe. She crept into her room, it was late night, and everyone was asleep, she hoped so!
She laid on her bed and the overthinking process started. She used to ponder about the situations in her life, and she used to figure out where her life was heading towards. But everytime, she used to be confused.

Hoorain Khan was only daughter of her parents. Her father was a fighter pilot in Pakistan airforce. He got martyred when Hoorain was only 6 years old. She was proud to be a daughter of a soldier. But she used to miss the presence of her father, alot.
Her mother, refused to marry again, but later because of the family pressure and for the sake of Hoorain's future, she married Hoorain's auncle. The younger brother of Hoor's father.
He was already married and had two kids. Since then, his wife hated Hoorain and his mother.
They live in a house, where they don't have any importance. Hoorain's Chachi, Shaista, was habitual of taunting Hoorain. She used to take the revenge of her mother from Hoor.
She overburdened her with house work, and because of this Hoorain was never able to concentrate on her occupation and fulfill her dreams.
She desperately wanted to become an artist. She was an artist, but she didn't had any platform to display her beautiful paintings. Once she started selling them online, but then Chachi Shaista and Chacha Akram got to know, and what a huge disaster it was! From that time onwards, they've been searching a rishta for Hoorain. So that she can leave their house, and they can be free from this tension.
For them Hoorain was just a burden, a tension.

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