Chapter 1

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A/N: I hate H's socks😒

A landed in London, driving down the streets past the pubs she and H used to frequent, it felt good to be back in London, feeling comfortable. Although walking into MIB was a completely different story, it felt strange and unfamiliar, like she didn't quite belong, she didn't recognize anyone, everything was completely foreign. A decided to go up to High T's office to report for duty. As soon as A entered the room T's face lit up, ecstatic to see her, she was the daughter he never had, and he was the father she always wanted. T embraced her tightly, giving her the welcoming that she really needed. As T released from the hug he held her hands, looking at her seriously.
"Are you okay?" T asked.
"I'm fine." A said smiling.
"No seriously, I've seen your file, I'm surprised your even in the field." T stated.
"I'm fine, it's been three years, I'm fine." A snapped, slightly surprising T, but he wasn't about to push her.
"Okay... okay...well its good to have you back, and if you would like to join in there's a meeting in a few."
“Yeah I’ll tag along.” A said a bit sullenly, feeling bad for snapping at T. She sat in one of the empty chairs and the door opened, agents trailing in. One agent that she expected to see didn’t stroll in until after the meeting started,  typical of this new agent H. He smiled and his eyes glinted but he waited to talk to A, its been so long since he has seen her, he’s missed her more than she knows. The meeting finished and T asked H to stay behind, and A lingered by T's desk waiting for T to delegate out their assignments. Everything changed after that battle, H even T changed.
“You’ll be working with agent A, she has a probationary agent to train, with the three of you, this assignment should be easy.” T finished dismissing the agents before A could protest, she did not want to work with H again, but now she couldn’t fight nor plead her case.
A and H walked back towards their desks but he caught A by the wrist, pulling her closer, whispering her name softly, hugging her like it would fix all the shit in the world before he disappeared, leaving her to wonder what the fuck just happened. A shook it off and went back to her desk where H and M were waiting. H was sitting in her chair with his feet propped up on her desk, hands folded behind his head looking comfortable and smug. A slapped H's legs off her desk then slapped his chest. He held the spot where A slapped him feigning hurt.
“That hurt" he said exuberantly smiling.
“Piss off you fucking wank stain and get out of my chair.” A said, H grinning at her.
H stood, towering over A inches apart breath mingling. M cleared her throat, the tension palpable.
“Jeez, I got stuck with the MIB power couple.”
“There is no way I would be with such an arrogant, cocky, reckless, irresponsible bastard such as this guy" H looked at A confused, A felt she may have gone a bit far but it’s nothing she hasn’t said to him before. A opened her mouth to apologize but all that came out was for them to get a move on to that night club. The club was packed.

Three years ago H knew the line between fun time and work time, but now it doesn’t seem clear if that is still the case. H grabbed A's hand as they entered the club, making sure he didn’t lose her in the crowd. H pulled A through the crowd towards where Vungus was. H advertising M as something of a Jababian expert, and Vungus talked of her as some sort of glorified sex object, though M wouldn't know it. H went to go get drinks, still keeping ahold of A, M following behind.
"Quick question, no big deal, but are you pimping me out to Vungus?"
"No, why would you think that?" H said noticing Vungus gyrating his hips.
"I'm just going to go over there and keep an eye out for anything suspicious." M said walking off.
" Hey can I talk to you about something?" A asked H.
"Yeah anything." H said.
"Do you remember the day I left?" A asked.
"How could I ever forget it?" He said, fave falling for a moment.
"I said some things that day, I said some things that I knew would hurt you, I'm... I'm sorry,  you didn't deserve that."
A rested her head on H's chest and he wrapped an arm around her, brushing a hand over her hair. A pulled away momentarily, a blue and pink alien that walked up to A, gently pulled her by the neck, planting a kiss on her lips. H quickly pulled A back, stepping forward and shoving the alien back, placing himself between A and the alien. A's hands ran up H's firm chest, his hands dropping to her waist, her hands combing through his soft golden hair. He brought his lips down to hers, and he too was entranced by the aliens venom. A pushed Henry to the bench, straddling his lap, hands grazing to meet their needs. A was rocking her hips getting him hot and bothered. Her kisses trailed down his collar to his neck, growling in response. A was pulled off of H by M and she pointed at two guys on the dance floor, to which A ignored. She looked at M, kissing her softly, spreading the venomous tongue further, M deepened the kiss, both getting more passionate. H cut in kissing A strongly, holding her tightly against him, A tugging on his shirt collar, trying to bring him closer. H's thumb grazes the scar on her abdomen, inducing a panic attack. A sank off the couch and onto the floor, putting her head between her knees. The sudden change in demeanor snapped H out of his trance and he quickly snapped M out of hers. H kneeled next to A, pulling her into his lap, holding her tightly, trying to calm her down, she clenched his shirt in her hands, sobbing against him, whispering “I’m not weak." Over and over again.
“ Look at me, you are the strongest person I know, almost dying takes its toll, but being vulnerable, especially in front of me is not weakness.” His soft words, his blue eyes, his warm heart calmed her down.
“Thank you.” She said as they got up, only to see the after math around them of their charge vungus, on the floor dying.
“Shit, we had one job.” A said as she approached vungus next to M, before he was escorted away. Putting him in the in the evac vehicle, still not looking good.
"So, that kiss." H said to A.
"Are you serious? Are you really so half witted to ask that right now, our detail may be dying, we are so going to get reamed for this, and you want to talk about the kiss? News flash shit head I kissed M too." A stated. And then the escort was thrown at them, the alien twins in the middle of the epicenter. H,A, and M all draw their weapons, A and M shouting at the twins to put their hands up, while H yelled for them to put their arms down. A stepped forward commanding them to get on the ground only to realize that the twins were about to wreak havoc and the HAM squad started running before getting thrown towards the MIB car. They all grabbed weapons, working their way up to larger more powerful weapons that didn't seem to do much.
"Go to Vungus we got you covered."
It was too late, Vungus left earth in a different way.

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