Chapter 5

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T got Ana settled in an apartment in London, its been a few weeks since she came to Earth, she felt truly happy on Earth. Her cover story was that her family was from south Africa and so she was never exposed to the English culture before. It wasnt hard to adapt to their own language it was very similar to her own, as well as her telepathy, it made the transition almost seamless.
She had completed her MIB training and she would start with T that day. Her studio apartment was beautiful, it was very open and she could see her bed from the kitchen and she had plants littered in with everything. It was so different from Noltair, her planet was a lot like Earth's sister planet Mars except with oceans. Ana loved her new life, her new job, Earth was full of life and energy, it was where she needed to be.
Ana had done up her hair in a stylishly messy bun, and put on her MIB issued suit feeling great. Cars were a new experience though, she had never driven on Noltair, she wasn't allowed, and there were so many rules, like driving on the left and red means stop and green means go, but yellow means floor it. She arrived at the MIB all in one piece, walking into the type writer shop and pressing on the imperial with the red tab and going down to MIB head quarter London. A reported to T's office where he had been assigning H to a case.
"Ah perfect, this is A, my recruit from south Africa. She will be assisting you on the case." T said.
"A, it's nice to meet you." H said smiling broadly.
"So what's this case?" A asked.
"Well we have to do some surveillance on a club and we have to determine the threat level of an black market alien drug ring."
"Sounds exciting."
"Let's take my car." H said. It was an older car but it was well taken care of and it had an elegant interior that smelled of sandalwood. They got going, navigating through mad London traffic, and some spotty weather. H stopped at a red light, looking over at her studying her, there was a gleam in her eyes that shared warmth and a contagious smile. He didn't realize that he was staring until people behind him started honking, and put the car in gear. H parked behind a building and got out, walking around opening her door. He was going to help her to the first ring of the fire escape but she climbed onto a closed dumpster and jumped for it, easily reaching it before she reversed her grip and started climbing. She set her foot on the first rung and hooked her leg around the ladder reaching down to grab the surveillance gear unaware of some of the social norms, but she was in a provocative position. H did his best to ignore how tantalizing she looked handing her the equipment.
"I'll be up in a minute you go on ahead."
H took a few breaths before climbing up the ladder with ease and grabbing the last of the gear. They set up on the roof, setting down camping chairs and divide up what each was going to do, and when each was going to take breaks. H was going to watch and A was going to listen to the aliens. They were speaking some sort of dialect of Goliche, spoken by Heathens, a species of teleported. They talked about moving pineapple juice boxes making the conversation very unclear and confusing. She turned to H with a confused expression on her face, still trying to decipher the meaning.
"They were talking about moving pineapple juice?"
"Yeah it's probably the new feel good drug called 'Tears of the Sun', I hear it makes you feel all warm and bubbly on the inside, weightless as though you are walking on clouds." H explained.
A nodded and went back to listening in, a brisk wind swept over the roof making A shiver, but she wasnt going to complain. H noticed this and took his jacket off and slipped it over her shoulders noticing her flinch slightly.
She was still a bit shaken from being slapped by her father having never been hit before.
"Thank you." A whispered, clutching his jacket, it smelled really nice, like caramel and sweet cream. She looked over at him, H was very handsome, he had very beautiful eyes, and seemed to be very well built, kind of rugged looking, and his silky blonde hair looked soft to the touch. He got up suddenly noticing odd movement, a truck was pulling up to the building and was loading up the crates of presumed drugs. A got up too, quickly packing up the equipment and started making her way down the fire escape, slinging the bag across her back and sliding down the ladder getting in the passenger seat of H's car placing the equipment into the back seat. H slipped into the driver seat and waited for the truck to drive to the delivery location so that they could find the point of distribution.
The truck left the warehouse moving south towards the Blackwall Tunnel and getting on the M25 driving west towards Leatherhead. The truck pulled over onto the shoulder, spotting the tail, H pulled over about 150 meters behind them, putting the car in park. One of the Heathens teleported into the back seat and grabbed H and A, and dropped them into a frigid river. A wasnt a strong swimmer and she kept getting dragged down, almost drowning until H grabbed ahold of her waist pulling her against his chest and swam towards the shore. They sat on the bank, H still holding her against him trying to get warm, A held onto his arms catching her breath. H got up and started collecting wood to build a fire to get them warm, going to the river bank and found some flint. He came back with the wood, some dry leaves and the flint stone, setting the wood for the fire. He took a small knife from his pocket and struck it against the stone a few times before the dry brush under the pitch lit starting the fire.
They huddled together side by side in front of the fire she rested her head against his shoulder feeling exhausted form the day.
"Man where is T when you need him." A said before falling asleep. H absent mindedly watched the fire feeling exhausted himself and slowly drifted off as well.

A woke up to the sound of birds chirping and H's firm grip around her waist, she kind of liked it, but she had to remain professional, and stay emotionally detached. H woke up soon after, rolling onto his back and took a deep breath in, sitting up. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, neither acknowledging the awkward position they were in, but both subtly enjoying it.
They made their way back tip the car, only being about 10 kilometers away, and making it back by high noon, going back to the MIB. The Heathens were gone and they would be underground for a while before resurfacing. The mission was an utter fail, and A hated failing.

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