Chapter 8

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Given that the compound was under ground A felt the best course of action was to evacuate and assess the damage. A and H being the highest level agents in the London Branch had to ensure everyone was safely out of the compound. They went down to containment, their only detainee was gone, nowhere to be seen, and a slew of unconscious agents. A and H grabbed the unconscious agents waking up a few but most of them were out cold and there were 3 fallen agents. A was furious, this was all his fault, Father turned Archer into a monster. Even through her anger she wondered what would have happened if she stayed on Noltiar, what she would be like, in reality she would probably be dead by now. After everyone was loaded A pressed the button going up, holding up one of the agents, coming face to face with agent C when the doors opened. C took the agent from her and they tended for the wounded and notified the appropriate parties about the dead. A started head dives on the agents who witnessed the escape but couldn't figure out for the life of her how they escaped, it's like they vanished into thin air. With the elevator as the only way out and the detainment unit being under ground with no signs of tunneling and the structural damage of the explosion, it all leaves a giant question mark. A sat down against the wall having nothing to do, she didn't have any medical training, and she really needed a break from it all. H took a seat next to her putting a hand on her knee, calming her down for the most part. A rested her head on his shoulder, relaxing, but despite how tired she was sleep wasnt an option. A grabbed H's hand starting a head dive, she was in his old car in the passenger seat, him in the driver seat. They were driving on the M-25, she wasn't sure where but they would eventually come right back to where they started.
"Where are we?" H asked.
"Yeah... we are in your head."
"Oh the horror, the horror." He said dramatically.
"Yeah, so tragic. The horrors that lie in wait." A retorted.
"So... what are we doing in this horrible place?"
"Because you're the only person I trust and I need us to be on the same page."
"What about?" H asked.
"I think something is up... when I read Archer's head space, I cant quite figure it out. He's dangerous and not the same as he once was, he's dark and angry. I dont want anyone to know he's my brother, not yet at least. And also we need to be more careful now he is a serious threat to non telepaths, he could really hurt you."
"Okay, I know, it's not the worst we have faced." H said trying to lighten the mood.
"Also I need to get in his head again... I need to find out what happened, why he changed."
"I dont think that's a good idea, you said it yourself he is dangerous."
"I want to help him though, and I'm the only one with the will and means to do that, and I dont see any other telepaths that would and will try to help MY brother." A said to H getting frustrated. They sat silently for a while they had already made a full lap around the M-25.
"So what is the story about this car?" A asked.
"You tell me, you're the mind reader." H smirked.
"Do you really want me digging through your head, and this place has a strong emotion tied to it, good or bad, it's yours though." A stated.
"Everything good in my life has come through this car, it was my first car, it was where T recruited me, and it's where I got to know my partner." H said looking over at her.
"What does your mind scape look like?" H asked.
"I'm not sure, let's find out." A said genuinely curious.
The landscape started shaping, the car started disappearing but both kept moving forward like a cartoon before started falling. A closed her eyes and landed on her bed, but it wasnt in her London flat, it was her bedroom in the palace on Noltair. A looked around but didn't see H, she knew her subconscious definitely placed him in the gallows where he belongs😏. A jogged out of her room, down the stone halls and into the door that led to the stairwell. A few floors down and reached the red door leading to the gallows. A opened the first door, empty, the second door, empty, looked at the third door the room that A first met T. Opening the door to find H chained to the wall, his shirt open slightly, three buttons popped, his arms bulging.
"This is not the bondage I like." H said with a smirk.
"So you like bondage." A said smiling biting her lips wiggling her eyebrows.
"Come on, let me out of these chains." H whined.
A walked over to him, kneeling down to be face to face with him.
"Maybe I like you in those chains, maybe I like this kind of bondage, maybe you've been a bad boy, a secy bad boy in those chains." A said teasingly, brushing her lips across his. He tugged at the chains, growling, wanting nothing more than to feel her touch. There was a pound at the door a loud pounding, an aggressive pounding on the door, shaking both of them. The door creaked open, swinging eerily, a dark shrouded figure stood there despite standing under a lamp. The figures cloak swayed behind him, standing there menacingly, holding a dagger with an inscription. The blade read, to live is to kill mercilessly. The blade was her father's. A unlocked H's cuffs, and he stood, both analyzed the man waiting for him to move. The man jerked forward roughly, lunging at them both. H stepped in front of her, grabbing the man, and throwing him to the side and dragging A out of the room. H slammed the door shut behind them and rushed to the stairwell, and sprinted up the stairs. A grabbed H's hand as they ran towards her bedroom, hearing the destruction ensuing behind them, following them. A sat on her bed, feeling safe and catching her breath.
"I hadnt realised that my mind was so turbulent, but we should be safe in here." A said before the door broke down.

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