A Not So Happy Wedding - Sebastian Vettel

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This was requested by Mary727262. I hope that this is what you wanted and I hope that you like it!

Warning: Angst


I leaned back to the headrest of my carseat after turning the engine off. Today is the day that my best friend is going to marry her fiance, ofcourse I'm happy for her but I'm also sad. The man she's going to marry is the same man I'm in love with. Sebastian and I have been secretly seeing each other for the past two years and I remember it like yesterday that he told me he was going to marry her.

"I'm sorry for not telling you about this sooner, [Y/N].." I just got of the phone with Hanna, while Sebastian was right next to me in my bed. I turned to look at him and he instantly pulled me in his embrace. I knew it was going to happen, but it still hurt. He pressed a kiss on my temple. "I'm so sorry.." I shook my head.

"Don't be, Seb, you two are meant for each other." I closed my eyes, savoring this moment. This is probably going to be one of the last meet ups, if it's not the last one already. His lips pressed against mine in a soft kiss. Ohh I'm so going to miss his soft lips, his warm embrace, his arms that make me feel like I'm home. I tear slipped from my eye and rolled down my cheek, before his hand wiped it away. I leaned into his hand, not daring to open my eyes. Scared that when I'll open them he'll be gone. His phone started ringing and his chest heaved against me. I opened my eyes and saw that the caller-ID was his wife-to-be. I offered him a sad smile.. "Answer it, it's alright." While he pressed the green button and brought the phone to his ear I grabbed my clothing from the floor and walked towards my bathroom.

As soon as the door closed behind me a sigh escaped and tears rolled down my cheeks. The small pile of clothes that was in my hands slipped from my grip and fell on the bathroom tiles. In a haze I walked to the shower, turning it on and letting the water run over me. After I took a long shower I stepped out of the bathroom, seeing that Sebastian had left..

I quickly wiped away the fallen tears before stepping out of my car. As I got to the dressing room I pushed the negative thoughts to the back of my head. Today is their day and I should be happy for them. I carefully opened the door to Hanna's dressing room, not wanting anyone else seeing her before the ceremony. She turned around in her seat and gasped when she saw me.

"Girll, you look absolutely gorgeous!" She stood up carefully and hugged me. "Thank you, Hanna. You look so stunning in this dress." I took a quick glance down at my navy blue dress, slightly scared that my curves were showing to much. The I looked back at Hanna and could see why Seb was about to marry her, her natural beauty wasn't overshadowed by her wedding dress. I helped her with her make up, before I need to leave. As her bridesmaid I needed to be at the altar before she would walk down the aisle. Sebastian was already standing at the altar and most of the guests were seated, not that there were many people, mostly family and close friends.

Seb's gaze was burning onto me as I tried to held my head up high, not letting any of the guests know that Seb and I have a history as more than just friends. He still was looking at me as I passed him and stopped on my spot. My heart started to become heavier every second.

The music started and all the guests stood up from their chairs, turning around to see the bride walking down the aisle. My eyes fell on Sebastian, tears were forming in his when he saw his wife-to-be. This is how it's meant to go, he loves her and she loves him. I would just be a home wrecker if I continued to see Sebastian behind everyone's back. Hanna smiled at me when her father handed her over to Seb, before he stood next to me. I slightly leaned towards him, before whispering. "Congratulations!" He smiled at me and nodded.

"Thank you.. You too! It must make you happy to see your best friends marry." If only he knew.. I nodded quickly, not wanting to make him start doubting about anything. "Thank you." His hand grabbed my elbow softly. "Are you okay? You look a little pale..." Did I look that bad? Why can't this just be over? My body longing to feel the warmth of my bed, hidden away from the big bad world where everything is taken from you. I watched the ceremony happen, a numb feeling over my body the whole time which blocked out every sound.

"You may now kiss the bride." As soon as their lips contected the floor beneath me crumbled into pieces and my heart was thrown into a blender, pulling at every muscle there was in the heart. They walked down the aisle together and all the guests followed them to the celebration room. I quickly walked over to the newly wed couple.

"Congratulations guys! It was so beautiful to see!" They smiled back at me, not seeing that my smile was faker than a highly photoshopped model for a magazine.

"Thank you, [Y/N]! And thank you again for being an amazing bridesmaid." Hanna smiled and pulled me in a hug. "It was a pleasure, Hanna!" The couple quickly was distracted by other guests who wanted to congratulate them. I took this as my chance to leave without people noticing. As soon as I arrived at my car, someone called out to me.

"[Y/N], wait up!" Please not now, Seb.... I turned around with a slight smile on my lips. "Where are you going?" He asked as he grabbed my hands in his.

"Home, Sebastian, I don't want to stand in between you and your wife anymore." He let out a deep sigh. "[Y/N], please stay.. I love you.."

"And still you married her.." He looked down at our hands, a ring now around his left ring finger.

"I love her too.. I love the both of you... It's just complicated..." I tried to get my hands out of his grip, failing to do so.

"I'm trying to make it easier for you, Seb." He took a step forward and trapped me between him and my car. "Please don't do this, Sebastian, you will regret this.." He shook his head, leaning closer to me. Before he could press his lips to mine a voice interrupted.

"Is everything alright here?" Sebastian turned away from me and Hanna came into my vision. Seb was lost at words so I quickly stepped in.

"Yeah, I'm feeling sick and Seb came to check if I was alright.." Her face became concerned and walked closer to us, taking my hands in hers. "Are you sure you're alright?" I shook my head.

"I'm very nauseated, I think my breakfast is playing up.." I lied, hoping she would buy it as I really wanted to head home now.

"Oh no.. I'm so sorry that I didn't notice.." I shook my head.

"Don't worry, Hanna. But I think it's better if I head home now so I can get some rest.." She pulled me into a hug.

"Yeah, I understand... Please text me when you get home, okay?" I nodded. "And don't forget that dinner we had planned next week, if you're feeling better by then!"

"I won't, I'm really looking forward to it ever since you invited me." Well, that's not exactly true, but I don't want to break her heart. She smiled in return and stepped away from my car, pulling Seb with her so that I could step into my car. I started the engine and put it in reverse, slowly making my way out of the parking. I took one glance back in my mirrors to see them waving at me.

Once I got the highway the bubble finally popped and the tears fell from my eyes. I couldn't hold them back anymore, yet I still tried so my vision wouldn't be blurred to much. Just to make sure I wouldn't crash into another car. When I came home I instantly kicked my heels off and walked into the kitchen, grabbing the first bottle of alcohol within reach. As I uncapped the bottle I tried to walk up the stairs to my bedroom, longing for the soft sheets. I let myself fall onto my bed, taking a large swig from the bottle. The rest of the night I spent trying to drown my sorrows and tears with the bitter liguor before slipping into a restless sleep.

I hope that it wasn't too depressing hehe.. Thanks for reading tho and I hope you enjoyed it!
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