the boy in the ice berg

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Okay, first chapter. Let's see how it goes


The atmosphere was perfect. I felt like I could snuggle up with my blanket all day. Nothing could ruin this morning–

"keomi wake up! " my older brother, Sokka yelled. So much for that moment.

"what do you want Sokka?" I answered tiredly and turned away from him, shutting my eyes even tighter. I did not want to wake up.

"it's morning which means breakfast!" he yelled excitedly and tossed my blanket off my body.

Groaning, I got up. My hair was in a messy bun and my eyes had bags underneath. Sokka grinned at my appearance.

"wow, you look terrible" he said. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"whatever ponytail boy" I said causing him to frown.

"it's a wolf tail!" he said and stomped out the igloo. I snickered and washed my face. I wore my blue fur coat and leather boots. I brushed my hair and tied it in a bun. I also wore a blue necklace with a green pendant. It belonged to my mother before she died.

As soon as I was done, my older sister katara walked in. She wore a blue fur coat and her hair was tied in a bun just like mine but hers had loops.

"morning Katara " I said as I gave her a smile. She smiled back at me.

"morning, did you call Sokka 'ponytail boy' again?" she asked. I nodded

"yep, he interrupted my beauty sleep " I said walking out the door. Katara laughed and followed me. Sokka stood outside the door waiting for us. He held his spear and coat on his hand.

"hurry up you two, those fishes aren't gonna catch themselves " he said and we ran off to get our canoe ready.


"watch and learn keomi, this is how you catch a fish " Sokka said as he positioned his spear towards a fish. I picked my spear and did the same

"like this? " I asked

"you got it " he answered smiling.

"Sokka, keomi look, i caught one!" Katara yelled excitedly. I turned around and saw her bending a bubble of water with a fish inside.

Katara's the only water bender in the whole tribe thanks to the fire nation. I'm a non bender, just like Sokka and the rest of the tribe.

"nice one katara" I said congratulating her.

"shh Katara, you're distracting keomi " Sokka said ignoring katara "and you're scaring the fish away, I can already smell it cooking"

"but Sokka, she caught one" I said pointing towards the bubble above him. He lifted his spear ready to strike but accidentally popped the bubble with the butt of his spear soaking himself and me in the process.

"hey! " Katara said, clearly offended

"seriously? " I said

"why is it every time you play with magic water I always get soaked? " Sokka asked

"it's not magic, it's water bending and it's –"

"we know, water bending. A unique art to our culture blah blah blah. I'm just saying if I had weird powers I'd keep it to myself " he said

"you're calling me weird? " Katara asked

"she's not the one who makes muscles of herself every time she looks into the water" I said and ironically, he was doing just that.

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