Correcting Twi Gurl - Part 3

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so like everyone says Edward is bad boyfriend and creepy and stuff! THATS NOT TRUE EDWARD IS THE BEST BOYFREIND EVER!!!! Heres some reasons why......

Those people are right -_-

1. hes really hot! I mean hotness isent the most importent thing i know, but its good to be hot and to have a boyfreind whose hot, since they're that much more atractive and good to look at!! and hot guys are better anyways!

So, hotness isn't the most important thing, but it is? Plus, your Edward is OUR Cedric. I can't believe they turned the amazing Hufflepuff into a sparkling tampon.

2. hes so caring! like he watches bella when she sleeps that so ROMANTIC AND ADORABLE like he actualy watches her all night, he must really love her!! he spends all his time doing that its so sweet and adorable!!!

Girl, that's stalking and Bella should call 911. And doesn't he have better things to do?

3. hes RICH! and generous!! like he buys Bella stuff like a car and its so sweet hes always trying to buy her stuff! and sure money isent the most impeortent thingy but its awesome to have a rich boyfriend so he can buy you stuff!! rich guys rock!

Again, with the money isn't the most important thing but it is. Honestly, the Cullens are only rich because they have been around for hundreds of years and Carlisle is a doctor -_-

4. Hes really smart!! like hes really deep and intelligent since hes been through school so much its so endeering! (i think that means attractive) so like you can have a good coversation with him and hes like quoting literature and hes like Mr. Darcy!!! hes so hot! I never read PRide and Prejudice but I just know Mr. Darcy ishotand smart too I think Lol!

He's been to school a dozen times and that's creepy, if he is over one hundred. Also, endearing means inspiring affection. 

5. Hes soo protective like he alweys dos what he htink is best for Bella hes always looking out for her thats so sweet!

He is controlling. He ruins her truck so she can't visit her friend. If my boyfriend did that, I would punch his face and dump his butt.

ANYWAYS EDWARD IS THE BEST BF EVER!! Dont you wish you could be Mrs Cullen? And he has a sexy name too! Edward Edward Edward! It just sounds so nice! And Cullen is sexy name too! Like chocolate! Anyways Edward is a GREAT BOYFRIEND!!!!!

Oh. My. God. I can't. 😤



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