lovers and partners

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We were in the car, driving all night until the sun came up. It was sickening.

None of us could sleep in the car. We were miserable. It felt like we were driving for hours.

We lost our house, our food, and our water. As much as we didn't want to, we needed to rob another place.

We were driving all day, in a hot can, with no food, and no water. We drove through  cities and towns until we found a store in the middle of nowhere.

We have a better chance at escaping if cops don't show up right away. We parked the van and waited for nightfall.

None of us talked, I think we were all stunned and scared. Eventually it was dark.

We grabbed our guns and headed in. There was one person and I think he was the store owner.

We held our guns up at him and handed him our bags. He filed them up with money. Maxx was our lookout and the other guys got food and water.

"Shit," Maxx yelled from the front of the store, "cops are here.

We grabbed the bags and ran out the door but the store owner won't go down without a fight.

The store owner grabbed a shotgun from under the table and fired. Cody fell forward from the impact but started running again.

We all hid behind the van as the cops were shooting at us.

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