Just a Walk

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"We're going out tonight" Jimin whispered in my ear before the final of what seemed like endless run-throughs of our newest choreographed dance to "Lights", a song that came out in July and broke countless streaming and YouTube records.  He brushed his hand across my shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. I smiled under my hat as the music started up and we all snapped into our positions. Jimin and I had been dating for about 9 months now and it was the happiest I had ever been. 

When practice ended about 30 minutes later (turns out when Hobi or our choreographer says "last time" they never really mean it) Jimin and I made up the excuse that we wanted to stay a bit later to work out some kinks in a hard transition during the second chorus. The others didn't protest and all piled into the van that was heading home. Three staff including the driver tasked with driving Jimin and I back were left behind with us. After about 5 minutes they left the room to go into the lobby and wait for us to finish. That's when we took our chance and slipped out the back door.

"They are going to kill us when they realize we went out with no staff or bodyguard" I mummer to Jimin as he grabs my hand and yanks me onto the street.

"Ask for forgiveness later. Honestly they won't even notice that we're gone and it's not like we are going to be out that late. I just need to BREATH for a second and it seems like we haven't had some quality time alone in forever".

I did feel guilty for just leaving our staff there, but he was right. Between interviews, recording our next album, and of course the endless dance practices, I didn't even have time to take care of myself. I was also working out every day.  We would wrap up our schedule and then I'd head to the gym for another 2+ hours, leaving me absolutely drained. When I get home each night, I instantly crash only the bed and more often than not Jimin is already sound asleep next to me. Sometimes if I'm not quiet enough, he will wake up when I come into our room and roll over to give me some more space. God, when he is sleepy he is so cute. I still can't get over how lucky I am to be with him.

Jimin is a saint for putting up with me these past few months and knows I've been struggling with my anxiety for quite some time now. I was prescribed a new medication for my panic attacks—oh yeah that too. They started happening during the final leg of our Love Yourself world tour. At first they were few and far between and I could feel them coming on, but then they started becoming more frequent and hitting me with no warning whatsoever. Thank god I was able to keep it together during our concerts but one night after our performance in Japan, one hit me and I started hyperventilating so much that I passed out and had to be admitted into the hospital. We tried incredibly hard to keep that incident under wraps but of course some way or another it got out and a slew of millions of tweets and comments came in about how the army (our fans) were worried about my well-being. Again, more stress. I was then prescribed daily pills that were supposed to help suppress the attacks. The first few medications were not good fits and I now I was on my third prescription in the past month and a half.

We ended up walking along a dimly lit street with a few restaurants scattered in front of us. The ground was damp and the air had that heavy, after-rain smell I had grown accustom to in the humid korean summers. Because of the recent storm, few people were out and the sound of our footsteps could be heard ricocheting off the building walls around us. With our growing popularity, just simply walking down the street was almost more of a hassle than it was worth. But tonight, Jimin and I were wearing non-descriptive clothes and large hats to hide our faces and were pretty confident we could hide ourselves and enjoy the night unnoticed.

We were gravely mistaken.

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