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When zach got home that night he was given a long borning lecture from daniel on why he could not be out at night he didnt listen and let daniel ramble on...and by ramble he means talk about ever since.

But yet here zach was 10am going to see jonah because he couldnt help himself.

"Dani im leaving" zach yelled sliding on his shoes

"No you're not!" Daniel said walking into the room

"What!? Why not?!" Zach asked knitting his eyebrows together

"Because I don't want to see you in a dusty cell waiting to be killed" daniel explained to zach like he was some dumb irrelevant being.

"You're not the boss of me you cant tell me I cant to out" zach said walking to the door

"One yes I am and two dont you dare walk out that door!" Daniel said following him

"Stop following me!" Zach grumbled halfway down the sidewalk as daniel was still behind him

"No if your leaving in going to"


"You need to be safe"

"I am being safe dani why cant you trust me?"

"I do trust you" daniel said grabbing zachs wrist both stopping.

"Dani please I just want some space I love you so much but i just want to be by myself sometimes" zach said looking daniel in the eyes

Daniel gave him a small smile "Your worrying me please just be safe your all i have left" daniel said kissing zachs head but still firmly holding his wrist.

Zach goes to pull away but daniel didnt release him "Dani please let go" zach said sweetly

Before daniel could say anything a low growl was heard coming from the woods that werent to far away.

Daniels eyes widen at the sound but zach was used to it forgettkng that daniel wasn't.

"Common now we have to leave!" Daniel said a little panicky trying to pull zach in the opposite direction.

"Dani stop its okay" zach said soothingly he knew jonahs growl after the short two nights hed known him.

Zach looked behind him at the woods he didnt see jonah but he could hear him.

"Let go" zach coaxed

"No! Your coming home" daniel said pulling zach to him.

Jonah growled yet again louder but still not coming into view.

"Jonah im fine" zach yelled to the obviously distressed creature.

Jonah didnt stop his growls now coming into view his teeth exposed waiting to pounce on daniel kill him if he hurt zach.

Daniels eyes widen he freezes when he sees Jonah.

Zach finally got daniel to let him go he spun around and ran closer to Jonah.

Once zach was close enough Jonah put his uncloved hand on zachs cheek letting his long nails gently rub zachs cheek.

Daniel swallowed the lump in his throat running closer to his little brother resulting in Jonah hissing and baring his teeth.

"Hey hey calm down its okay h-hes my brother" zach said putting his hands on jonahs shoulders.

Jonah let his eyes flicker between the two for a few seconds before mumbling a quiet sorry

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