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Zach awoke in a strange place wrapped in warm loving arms it was still dark and he could still hear the rain pouring down outside and thunder booming in the sky.

The bed wasnt much bigger than his own but it was comfortable the blankets were covering from his waist down the rest of his body being warmed by jonahs warm arms wrapped comfortably around him.

He must've fallen asleep on Jonah when they were on the couch.

Zach tried not to move he didnt want to wake Jonah but he didnt care he was comforted.

This felt so surreal to zach he loved the feeling if jonahs arms wrapped around him he used to think of the things in the woods as crazy and evil but jonah was anything but evil and crazy.

Zach pushed the thoughts of daniel and the town to the back of his mind he just wanted to live in the moment.

The room was dark the lightning lighting up the room the shadows of things in the room kinda freaking zach out just thinking it could be another living being hiding in the room but he felt safe as long as he was in jonahs arms.

Zach snuggled up to Jonah a bit more feeling a hand gently stroking the hair on the back of his head he smiled against against the mans chest.

"Get some sleep love," he whispered kissing zachs temple.

Zachs smile widened if that was even possible.

"Did i wake you?" Zach asked looking up at Jonah their eyes locking even thought the room was dark they still had a clear viee of the others beautiful sparkling eyes.

"No your fine" Jonah said wrapping his arms around zachs waist.

"Stay till the storm clears up its to dangerous out there" Jonah said looking into zachs chocolate eyes that could almost blend into the darkness he moves one of his hands from zachs waist to his shoulder gently resting it there.

"Thank you...f-for everything" zach said him eyes flickering away from jonahs.

"No thank you for everything" Jonah replied him and zachs noses almost touching frim their faces being so close.

"Angel" jonah whispered brushing zachs wings with his fingers making zach smile.

"Whats so special about my wings why do you like them so much"

"There gorgeous just like you I love them" jonah smiled he didnt think of his answer before he said it it just rolled off of his tounge nedore he could think.

"T-thanks" zach said nervously leaning up and kissing jonahs cheek gently where the red mark was mostly gone by now.

Jonah smiled holding zach close to his chest zach smiled he was truly happy Jonah kissed zachs head "get some rest angel I wont let anything happen" Jonah whispered

Zach tried to stay awake and enjoy the moment but he couldnt help his eyes feeling heavy and soon he was asleep.

Jonah smiled gently playing with zachs wings careful not to wake him and before he knew it he was asleep curled up with zach holding him protectivly in his arms.

The next morning zach awoke to Jonah kissing his head gently.

Zach smiled rubbing his eyes "good morning love", jonah whispered

Zach blushed slightly "good morning" he smiled back and today it truly was a good morning because he had a gold night wrapped in jonahs warm arms.

"What time is it?" Zach said slightly yawning.

"Like 9am" Jonah smiled letting out a cat like purr as he payed with zachs wings.

Zach smiled he adored that noise after the time hed spent with Jonah he assumed that cat like purr meant he was happy or liked something.

Zach gently fluttered his wings for jonah

Jonah smiled sitting behind zach on the bed playing with zachs wings.

Jonahs purrs increase "so beautiful" he breathed out making a blush crawl up zachs neck.

Jonah wrapped his legs around zachs waist continuing to mess with zachs wings.

"My angel" Jonah said quietly smiling wrappubg his arms around zach to pulling zachs back to his chest.

Zach giggled "your angel" he said flipping himself around and wrapping his arms around jonahs neck in a hug.

Both smiled jonah burying his face in the crook of jonahs neck being careful of his horns.

"Thank you for coming to the forest that night" jonah said into zachs neck

"I'm glad I did" zach smiled more nit breaking the hold he had on the older male.

Jonah held the back of zachs head with his ungloved hand with zaxh he felt he didnt need the gloves he didnt feel like a freak with him he just felt like himself a normal person he was always self conscious of his horns, claws, teeth , hight, and other things.

Jonah was glas zach liked his horns becahse he despised them when he was younger he was picked on for them they were smaller than other with horns and the people who didnt have horns liked to make fun of them.

Jack, corbyn and him had all been picked on thats actaully how they met in grade school and stayed friends ever since.

"Will you come see me tommorow?" Jonah asked

"I wish I could but I have school tommorow" zach frowned hugging Jonah more

"Oh, do you like school?" Jonah said stsrting off sadly but piping up a bit as he talked more.

"No..i like it here with you" zach said resting his head on jonahs chest putting his hand neside his head on his chest.

Jonahs heart melted he smiled kissing zachs temple "I like when youre with me to it makes everything better" jonahs said holding zach tightly as if he would let go and the boy would drift away.

The two stay holding each other until zach needed to get home him and jonah walked to the end if the forest then made sure their were no cops around before zach left book in hand Jonah watched sadly as zach ran into the distance he missed him already he couldnt wait till he came back his heart aches just thinking of the boy he hoped he would be okay and safe whilst he wasnt around he really did hed never felt that way about anyone only zach his angel❤

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