
538 21 16

I was about to chug my drink when suddenly, there was a hand preventing me from drinking it.
"You're drunk Yujin. Stop it already." She said while attempting to get the glass off my hand.

"I'm not drunk. Stop reaching for my glass, you have yours." 

"No! Clearly you are so, stop it! Are you even allowed to drink!?" 

Then, moments of battling between to give her the glass or not, I looked at her and my eyes widened. "M-Minjoo?" Think it was due to my drunken state that I called the name of the person I shouldn't be calling that time but, I did. 

She's there. Sitting in front of me. Is this even for real?

"M-Minjoo?" I adjusted myself and faced her clearly. I'm not even sure if I'm just hallucinating or what but I'm clearly seeing the person I really love, sitting in front of me.

Since I got no answer from her so, I touched her arm. Slowly getting a hold unto it and pulled her close to me. I can feel her stiffened with my sudden action. Well who wouldn't? But that's the least on my priority right now. 

"Y-Yuji---" I didn't knew where I got that courage from and why did I even do that in the first place but, I kissed her. She protested as she kept on pushing me away but minutes later, she kissed me back. I was so happy. Feeling a lot of ecstatic like my mind went on euphoria. Having Minjoo's sweet plum on mine was something I couldn't exchange for anything. 

We stopped after a couple of minutes to get some air back in our lungs as we both ran out of breath. I had our foreheads touched and she was all closing her eyes. I can't seem to figure out why am I seeing her beautiful, angelic face here but nonetheless, I believe what I believe to be real that time and that was, she's there. In my arms. 

"I-I miss you." She didn't utter a single word and was just listening. I cupped her smooth cheeks with both of my hands and gently stroking it with my two thumbs. "I-I miss you so damn much, K-Kim M-Minjoo." Then I felt her tears fell from her eyes down to my thumbs. The moment she opened two round orbs, I saw fire and hurt. 

Why was my love hurting so much? Did our break-up hurt her this much like how it did to mine too? Does she now regreted of leaving me? 

"No, I'm sorry. Please don't cry. Stop crying baby." Her tears were flowing none-stop from her eyes and my hands were busy wiping them while she was shaking her head left and right. Indirectly telling me that I'm not supposed to say sorry to her.

My love's crying and it's hurting me so damn much watching her being like this. All I wanted was for her to be happy, yet here she is. Crying. In front of me.

"I love you. Please, return back to me." I whispered. I got my forehead touched hers, feeling every breath she let out and my hands were busy caressing the back of her neck to give her some comfort and warmth. 

There was a moment of brief silence. We were just there, glued to our position. Savoring every moment that I had with her.

Then, I heard her talk. But, I can't seem to make up what was it. I tried my hardest to process what it was but I think, the alcohol just really got first in my entire system. 

What were you saying baby? 

Well, I don't care what it was. The important thing in my mind right now is that, you're here, with me. 

After that, everything went black for me.

"If only, I really want be your M-Minjoo, Yujin-ah." 

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