Chapter 6.

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"Where are we going?"

"Can't it be a surprise?"

"I don't know... will it be a surprise that I will like?"

"I hope so."

Aubin was sat directly in front of Emmaline. He was wearing a navy blue suit that hugged him in all the right places. He was looking at her intensely, as he always did, his finger stroking his lower lip. This time, he had allowed Emmaline to wear something that she had bought for herself, which led Emmaline to finally embark on her long-awaited clothes shopping. She had purchased a sea blue satin dress with a high thigh slit. It dipped moderately, not exposing too much, which was always something Emmaline preferred.

"You should know that I'm not very good at hiding my reactions."

"Oh, I know."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Aubin grinned boyishly and briefly looked outside the window.

"You want me to explain what 'I Know' means?"

"Ha, Ha, Ha Aubin. You've got jokes you know that?"

"I try, I really do."

They both smiled at each other for a short while. Aubin's smile faded gradually, and his intense gaze returned, causing Emmaline to self-consciously duck her head.

"All jokes aside, I like that you're...expressive."

Emmaline looked up at him. She didn't know what to say so she remained silent.

"I mean, women from my past have always tried to be something they are not. They have always tried to portray the image they think I want to see. They're actions and reactions often felt ingenuine. I hated it. But you're different, you're completely and unapologetically yourself."

"Well...Thank you."

Emmaline shifted slightly. She crossed her legs and placed her clutch on top of her lap. Aubin often made her feel uncomfortable and nervous. She never knew what to say or how to sit. She feared showing him too much or too little of herself. She cleared her throat quickly and locked eyes with him. She didn't want to show him that she was nervous, so she attempted to take herself out from under his spotlight by asking him a question.

"You mentioned the women of your past..."

"I did yes"

He repositioned himself, his eyes focused, showing that he was attentively listening to her.

"Have you never connected deeply with any of them?"

Aubin took a while to answer. Emmaline held eye contact with him. She could see the thoughts in his mind turning. She could see his brain working, calculating, thinking.

"I connected with a few. A small few. But for one reason or another, they weren't... Who I thought they were."

The car was silent. Emmaline couldn't help but be intrigued by his cryptic answer. She was naturally a nosy person, and Aubin was the hardest character she had ever tried to read.

"What about you? The men of your past?"

Emmaline scoffed. An Image of Jordan flared up in her mind. Her face slowly saddened, her mouth displaying a small frown.

"Not Good?"


Emmaline turned to look out the window, the lights of New York, casting dancing shadows across her face.

"Well, I hope I never come across any of them when I'm with you."

Aubin had spoken passingly as if his comment bore no weight whatsoever.  Emmaline quickly turned to him, her mind easily compelled by his words.

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